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Defiant US mayors disagree with
President Trump and pledge to
uphold Paris Climate Accord
5 June 2017: Within a few days of US President Trump’s announcement on 1 June 2017 that the US would withdraw from the international Paris Climate Agreement (1), mayors from across the country re-committed their cities to the Paris goals. In a statement, almost 200 mayors (2), who represent more than 50 million Americans, confirmed that their cities would “adopt, honour and uphold” the accord signed by all but two of the world’s countries in Paris in December 2015. “We will intensify efforts to meet each of our cities’ current climate goals, push for new action to meet the 1.5 degrees Celsius target and work together to create a 21st century clean energy economy,” the mayors pledged.
Specifics agreed by the US mayors include increased investments in renewable energy, energy efficiency, reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and the promotion of electric cars and trucks.
The mayors also sought to reassure America’s foreign friends and allies that the US was bigger than one man, even if that man was the President. “If the President wants to break the promises made to our allies enshrined in the historic Paris Agreement, we’ll build and strengthen relationships around the world to protect the planet from devastating climate risks. The world cannot wait - and neither will we.”
US mayors comment on President Trump’s decision to withdraw
from the Paris Climate Agreement
Anchorage, Mayor Ethan Berkowitz
We'll continue to address climate change. And we're doing it because it is a part of looking out for the future of the local economy and it's about making sure we're good stewards of the place we live.
Asheville, Mayor Esther Manheimer
It helps everyone know that different cities have pledged to work on global climate change. Here in Asheville, the city has pledged to reduce our carbon footprint by 80 percent by the year 2030.
Atlanta, Mayor Kasim Reed
Trump’s decision isolates our country from international partners in shared global efforts to curb climate change, and at its core is an assault on our future stability and prosperity.
Austin, Mayor Steve Adler
Austin will not stop fighting climate change. Worldwide, cities will lead in achieving climate treaty goals because so much of what’s required happens at the local level.”
Boston, Mayor Marty Walsh
Withdrawing from the Paris Agreement will damage our reputation as an international leader, it will undermine our country’s commitment to meeting the challenges of climate change, and it will also put at risk our future generations. Trump’s decision will have no bearing on whether or not Boston continues it’s mission to honor the commitments they made in regards to climate change.
Buffalo, Mayor Byron W Brown
Climate change is a global challenge requiring immediate attention. I am proud to have signed on to the US Climate Alliance and the US Conference of Mayor's Climate Protection Agreement. In Buffalo, we stand in solidarity with leaders from across the country in condemning President Trump's retreat from the Paris Agreement and reaffirm our commitment to the global community fighting climate change.
Carmel, Mayor James Brainard
Great countries show leadership. We want to be on the side of Syria? Who is one of two countries that chose not to sign the accord? Great countries keep their word. President Obama and President Trump are from two different parties and different ideas. We gave our word as a country. Absent a huge mistake we should keep our word.
Chattanooga, Mayor Andy Berke
Chattanooga, which was once dubbed the dirtiest city in the country, is now thriving, and that's been possible because leaders understood the importance of taking care of the environment and implementing long-term sustainability efforts. Reverting back to the Chattanooga of decades ago is simply unacceptable. Chattanooga has a strong commitment to sustainability and environmental protections, and we will continue to push forward, regardless of the stance of the current president. Because Chattanooga has directly experienced the negative impacts of an ignored and depleted environment, I am committed to the goals and vision of the Paris climate agreement. In Chattanooga, we will continue to focus our efforts on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and encouraging other entities throughout our city to do the same. Chattanooga is as beautiful as any place on God’s green earth, and we will keep it that way.
Chicago, Mayor Rahm Emanuel
We cannot afford to ignore the consensus of 194 countries and the entire scientific community. Reneging on the Paris Agreement is shortsighted and does not make climate change any less real. Chicago has proven that you can create jobs while reducing your carbon footprint, and we will continue to do both. The world is depending on cities in the US to take up the mantle of leadership on climate change. Chicago will happily accept that challenge.
Cincinnati, Mayor John Cranley
President Trump’s announcement is at odds with my values and I believe the values of this city. It is wrong for the country and it is wrong for the world.
Columbia, Mayor Brian Treece
Climate change is a major concern in the Midwest. It has a direct impact on insurance losses, insurance premiums and economic competitiveness. Columbia is encouraged by the partnerships forming with other cities, universities, and businesses to support creating good jobs in energy efficiency and renewable energy.
Denver, Mayor Michael Hancock
We will not back down from our commitment to address this global threat and will continue the pledge to meet the targets of the Paris Agreement even in the absence of federal leadership.
Grand Rapids, Mayor Rosalynn Bliss
This morning, I joined mayors from around the country in reaffirming our commitment to addressing climate change. As a city, we remain dedicated to getting to 100 percent renewable energy by 2025.
Hoboken, Mayor Dawn Zimmer
In the absence of federal leadership, states and cities will lead the way to a more sustainable future.
Honolulu, Mayor Kirk Caldwell
My administration supported the establishment of an Office of Climate Change, Sustainability and Resiliency to ensure that we are factoring in the latest science as we design our policies and projects for the next century, and Oahu voters overwhelmingly supported this effort. We are committed to a 100 percent renewable energy future and working to reduce our emissions from city facilities and fleets. My administration is dedicated to continuing on the ‘Paris path’ and I am confident that this void of federal leadership will be filled by local governments, cities and mayors across the nation.
Indianapolis, Mayor Joe Hogsett
As a father, I often think of the legacy we will leave for our children. And as Mayor, I know that it will be up to Indianapolis civic leaders to come together and shape that future. The commitments made in the Paris Agreement aren’t about the political posturing or partisan rhetoric that dominates cable news they are about ensuring the future health and livability of our city and the global community. In the coming weeks, I will join others around the country by bringing together local business, non-profit, and scientific leaders to develop actionable steps to reduce Indianapolis’ carbon emissions and continue moving toward a cleaner, more sustainable future.
Knoxville, Mayor Madeline Rogero
President Trump’s action takes us in the wrong direction at a time when almost every nation in the world has agreed on the need for climate action. Like mayors in cities across the country, I will maintain Knoxville's commitment to reducing our carbon emissions and promoting sustainability in all of our operations. Protecting the climate is not a choice between our environment and our economy. As we have shown in Knoxville, we can strengthen both, while making Knoxville a better community. No matter the attitude of the president, we will continue to advance our local values by upholding the principles and commitment of the Paris Agreement.
Los Angeles, Mayor Eric Garcetti
Climate change constitutes a grave threat to Angelenos’ health and the city’s environment and economy. This is an urgent challenge, and it’s much bigger than one person. LA will lead by committing to the goals of the Paris accord and will work closely with cities across America and the world to do the same.
Menlo Park, Mayor Kirsten Keith
I want to assure our residents and businesses that Menlo Park is on track to meet our climate goals by 2020. No action taken by the Trump administration will change our resolve as we advance progress toward global targets for a stable climate.
Miami, Mayor Tomás Regalado
With Miami seen as the U.S. city most vulnerable to climate-change consequences, the issue is particularly sensitive for me. Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Agreement is a big problem.
Milwaukee, Mayor Tom Barrett
I am disappointed with President Trump’s shortsighted decision to withdraw from the international Paris climate agreement. Milwaukee is joining with cities around the country who continue to take this issue seriously. We will continue to drive the clean energy economy.”
New Orleans, Mayor Mitch Landrieu
The Paris Agreement remains the world's greatest weapon to combat this existential threat. Although the Trump administration questions the facts of climate change, we must not waver. Time is of the essence in combatting this critical existential threat, and our coastal city is on the front line. We must take action to slow climate change in coordination with cities around our nation and the world.
New York City, Mayor Bill De Blasio:
We here in New York City are shocked at the development in Washington on 1 June 2017, to see the president of the United States pull out of the Paris Agreement and literally set this nation, and the whole globe, on the path of denial. The Paris Agreement was the biggest step forward we've taken in many, many years, and it's unconscionable for the President of the United States to step away from it. This is a dagger aimed straight at the heart of New York City.
Newark, Mayor Ras Baraka
Newark will adopt, honor and uphold our commitment to climate control.” President Trump’s decision is insane. The city suffers from pollution coming from port traffic, waste facilities and industrial plants. Newark has created a chief sustainability officer to coordinate climate change initiatives. Donald Trump should know that climate change is a dagger aimed straight at the heart of America’s cities. Trump is not the one who’s going to decide whether he applies the Paris agreement or not. It’s our cities.
Palo Alto, Mayor Greg Scharff
Palo Alto has a strong history of leadership in climate change and sustainability and it’s a value the community has supported for decades. Palo Alto has worked to have a carbon neutral electricity supply at a lower cost than competitors and adopted a goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at a rate 20 years ahead of the state. Those are the actions of a city that views climate change as a defining issue for the future, and critical to our quality of life and economic vitality.
Pittsburgh, Mayor Bill Peduto
As the Mayor of Pittsburgh, I can assure you that we will follow the guidelines of the Paris Agreement for our people, our economy, and future.
Salt Lake City, Mayor Jackie Biskupski
This unprecedented action by President Trump affects each and every one of us. We must lead where the White House refuses to. Salt Lake City is warming at a rate twice the global average, which is already impacting water supplies, worsening air quality and threatening our $1 billion ski industry.
San Diego, Mayor Kevin Faulconer
San Diego remains as committed as ever to implementing our landmark Climate Action Plan and being a national leader in solar, renewable energy use, water purification and green job creation.
Springfield, Mayor Domenic Sarno and Worcester, Mayor Joseph Petty
As our federal government retreats from its responsibility as steward of our environment, it is vitally important for state and municipal governments to uphold our commitment to the future of our planet. If the president doesn't want to do it, we will. We're already doing this work and our administrations will continue along the path of resilience work and environmental stewardship. It not only makes scientific/health sense, but also budget/financial sense.
Tennessee mayors
The mayors of Tennessee's four largest cities aren't giving up the fight to combat climate change, even after President Donald Trump announced that the U.S. would pull out of the Paris climate agreement. Nashville Mayor Megan Barry, Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland, Knoxville Mayor Madeline Rogero and Chattanooga Mayor Andy Berke all said they support the goals of the Paris agreement. The president's action takes us in the wrong direction at a time when almost every nation in the world has agreed on the need for climate action. Like mayors in cities across the country, we will maintain our commitment to reducing our carbon emissions and promoting sustainability in all of our operations.
Tucson Mayor Jonathon Rothschild and Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton
Here in Arizona, extreme heat as a result of climate change is a huge issue. Tucson and Phoenix will continue to encourage sustainable energy businesses and encourage a reduction in pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
Washington DC, Mayor Muriel Bowser
Going forward, our commitment to wind and solar will not yield, and we will move forward with building a more sustainable D.C.
West Palm Beach, Mayor Jeri Muoio
President Trump’s announcement on 1 June 2017 was more than a disappointment. It is downright troubling. This move signals that the U.S. will no longer be a leader on climate change and rolls back the commitments made to protect South Florida and the world from the harmful effects of CO2 emissions that lead to climate change. The City of West Palm Beach will continue to move forward as a model of resilience. We will continue to support climate action to meet the Paris Agreement.
Youngstown, Mayor John McNally
The U.S. withdrawal away from the agreement is not going to create more jobs in the Youngstown area, not going to create jobs in Mahoning County. So, we would certainly urge the president to reconsider his decision.
(1) On 12 December 2015 196 countries agreed in Paris to:
• a long-term goal of keeping the increase in global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels;
• aim to limit the increase to 1.5°C, since this would significantly reduce risks and the impacts of climate change;
• the need for global emissions to peak as soon as possible, recognising that this will take longer for developing countries;
• undertake rapid reductions thereafter in accordance with the best available science.
(Syria did not take part in the deliberations. Nicaragua did not sign because the country felt the agreement was not ambitious enough. The Vatican could not sign because it was not a member of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC))
(2) US mayors and cities who committed themselves
to uphold the Paris Climate Agreement
Mayor Eric Garcetti, City of Los Angeles, CA
Mayor Martin J Walsh, City of Boston, MA
Mayor Bill de Blasio, New York City, NY
Mayor Sylvester Turner, City of Houston, TX
Mayor Madeline Rogero, City of Knoxville, TN
Mayor Rahm Emanuel, City of Chicago, IL
Mayor Ed Murray, City of Seattle, WA
Mayor Jim Kenney, City of Philadelphia, PA
Mayor Kasim Reed, City of Atlanta, GA
Mayor Lioneld Jordan, City of Fayetteville, AR
Mayor Trish Herrera Spencer, City of Alameda, CA
Mayor Kathy Sheehan, City of Albany, NY
Mayor Allison Silberberg, City of Alexandria, VA
Mayor Jeanne Sorg, City of Ambler, PA
Mayor Ethan Berkowitz, City of Anchorage, AK
Mayor Terence Roberts, City of Anderson, SC
Mayor Christopher Taylor, City of Ann Arbor, MI
Mayor Van W Johnson, City of Apalachicola, FL
Mayor Susan Ornelas, City of Arcata, CA
Mayor Esther Manheimer, City of Asheville, NC
Mayor Steve Skadron, City of Aspen, CO
Mayor Steve Adler, City of Austin, TX
Mayor Gordon Ringberg, City of Bayfield, WI
Mayor Jesse Arreguin, City of Berkeley, CA
Mayor William Bell, City of Birmingham, AL
Mayor Ron Rordam, City of Blacksburg, VA
Mayor John Hamilton, City of Bloomington, IN
Mayor Dave Bieter, City of Boise, ID
Mayor Suzanne Jones, City of Boulder, CO
Mayor Carson Taylor, City of Bozeman, MT
Mayor Eric Mamula, Town of Breckenridge, CO
Mayor Lori S. Liu, City of Brisbane, CA
Mayor Brenda Hess, City of Buchanan, MI
Mayor Byron W Brown, City of Buffalo, NY
Mayor Miro Weinberger, City of Burlington, VT
Mayor E Denise Simmons, City of Cambridge, MA
Mayor Lydia Lavelle, City of Carrboro, NC
Mayor Pam Hemminger, City of Chapel Hill, NC
Mayor John J Tecklenburg, City of Charleston, SC
Mayor Jennifer Roberts, City of Charlotte, NC
Mayor Andy Berke, City of Chattanooga, TN
Mayor Mary Casillas Salas, City of Chula Vista, CA
Mayor Brian Treece, City of Columbia, MO
Mayor Stephen K Benjamin, City of Columbia, SC
Mayor Brian Tobin, City of Cortland, NY
Mayor Biff Traber, City of Corvallis, OR
Mayor Jeffrey Cooper, Culver City, CA
Mayor Mike Rawlings, City of Dallas, TX
Mayor Robb Davis, City of Davis, CA
Mayor Cary Glickstein, City of Delray Beach, FL
Mayor Michael Hancock, City of Denver, CO
Mayor Frank Cownie, City of Des Moines, IA
Mayor Josh Maxwell, City of Downingtown, PA
Mayor Roy D Buol, City of Dubuque, IA
Mayor William V Bell, City of Durham, NC
Mayor Kris Teegardin, City of Edgewater, CO
Mayor David Kaptain, City of Elgin, IL
Mayor Lucy Vinis, City of Eugene, OR
Mayor Stephen H Hagerty, City of Evanston, IL
Mayor Coral J Evans, City of Flagstaff, AZ
Mayor Jack Seiler, City of Fort Lauderdale, FL
Mayor Tom Henry, City of Fort Wayne, IN
Mayor Karen Freeman-Wilson, City of Gary, IN
Mayor Rosalyn Bliss, City of Grand Rapids, MI
Mayor Nancy Vaughan, City of Greensboro, NC
Mayor Joy Cooper, City of Hallandale Beach, FL
Mayor Luke Bronin, City of Hartford, CT
Mayor Peter Swiderski, City of Hastings-on-Hudson, NY
Mayor Nancy R. Rotering, City of Highland Park, IL
Mayor Gayle Brill Mittler, City of Highland Park, NJ
Mayor Tom Stevens, Town of Hillsborough, NC
Mayor Dawn Zimmer, City of Hoboken, NJ
Mayor Josh Levy, City of Hollywood, FL
Mayor Alex B Morse, City of Holyoke, MA
Mayor Paul Blackburn, City of Hood River, OR
Mayor Josh Levy, City of Hollywood, FL
Mayor Candace B Hollingsworth, City of Hyattsville, MD
Mayor Svante Myrick, City of Ithaca, NY
Mayor Steven M Fulop, Jersey City, NJ
Mayor Sly James, Kansas City, MO
Mayor Nina Jonas, City of Ketchum, ID
Mayor Steve Noble, City of Kingston, NY
Mayor Adam Paul, City of Lakewood, CO
Mayor Michael Summers, City of Lakewood, OH
Mayor Christine Berg, City of Lafayette, CO
Mayor Richard J Kaplan, City of Lauderhill, FL
Mayor Mark Stodola, City of Little Rock, AR
Mayor Robert Garcia, City of Long Beach, CA
Mayor Dennis Coombs, City of Longmont, CO
Mayor Marico Sayoc, City of Los Gatos, CA
Mayor Paul R Soglin, City of Madison, WI
Mayor Kirsten Keith, City of Menlo Park, CA
Mayor Tomas Regalado, City of Miami, FL
Mayor Philip Levine, City of Miami Beach, FL
Mayor Gurdip Brar, City of Middleton, WI
Mayor Daniel Drew, City of Middletown, CT
Mayor Reuben D. Holober, City of Millbrae, CA
Mayor Jeff Silvestrini, City of Millcreek, UT
Mayor Tom Barrett, City of Milwaukee, WI
Mayor Mark Gamba, City of Milwaukie, OR
Mayor Betsy Hodges, City of Minneapolis, MN
Mayor Mary O’Connor, City of Monona, WI
Mayor John Hollar, City of Montpelier, VT
Mayor Timothy Dougherty, City of Morristown, NJ
Mayor Fred Courtright, City of Mount Pocono, PA
Mayor Ken Rosenberg, City of Mountain View, CA
Mayor Megan Barry, City of Nashville, TN
Mayor Ras Baraka, City of Newark, NJ
Mayor Jon Mitchell, City of New Bedford, MA
Mayor Toni N Harp, City of New Haven, CT
Mayor Mitch Landrieu, City of New Orleans, LA
Mayor Francis M. Womack, North Brunswick Township, NJ
Mayor Donna D Holaday, City of Newburyport, MA
Mayor Setti Warren, City of Newton, MA
Mayor David J. Narkewicz, City of Northampton, MA
Mayor Jennifer White, City of Nyack, NY
Mayor Libby Schaaf, City of Oakland, CA
Mayor Cheryl Selby, City of Olympia, WA
Mayor Buddy Dyer, City of Orlando, FL
Mayor Greg Scharff, City of Palo Alto, CA
Mayor Jack Thomas, Park City, UT
Mayor Greg Stanton, City of Phoenix, AZ
Mayor William Peduto, City of Pittsburgh, PA
Mayor Ted Wheeler, City of Portland, OR
Mayor Liz Lempert, City of Princeton, NJ
Mayor Jorge O Elorza, City of Providence, RI
Mayor Nancy McFarlane, City of Raleigh, NC
Mayor John Marchione, City of Redmond, WA
Mayor John Seybert, Redwood City, CA
Mayor Hillary Schieve, City of Reno, NV
Mayor Tom Butt, City of Richmond, CA
Mayor Levar Stoney, City of Richmond, VA
Mayor Daniel Guzzi, City of Rockwood, MI
Mayor Mike Fournier, City of Royal Oak, MI
Mayor Darrell Steinberg, City of Sacramento, CA
Mayor Christopher Coleman, City of Saint Paul, MN
Mayor Kim Driscoll, City of Salem, MA
Mayor Jackie Biskupski, Salt Lake City, UT
Mayor Kevin Faulconer, City of San Diego, CA
Mayor Ed Lee, City of San Francisco, CA
Mayor Sam Liccardo, City of San Jose, CA
Mayor Pauline Russo Cutter, City of San Leandro, CA
Mayor Heidi Harmon, City of San Luis Obispo, CA
Mayor Miguel Pulido, City of Santa Ana, CA
Mayor Helene Schneider, City of Santa Barbara, CA
Mayor Lisa M. Gillmor, City of Santa Clara, CA
Mayor Javier M Gonzales, City of Santa Fe, NM
Mayor Ted Winterer, City of Santa Monica, CA
Mayor Chris Lain, City of Savanna, IL
Mayor Scott A Saunders, City of Smithville, TX
Mayor Joe Curtatone, City of Somerville, MA
Mayor Pete Buttigieg, City of South Bend, IN
Mayor Philip K Stoddard, City of South Miami, FL
Mayor Domenic J Sarno, City of Springfield, MA
Mayor Lyda Krewson, City of St Louis, MO
Mayor Len Pagano, City of St Peters, MO
Mayor Rick Kriseman, City of St Petersburg, FL
Mayor Michael Tubbs, City of Stockton, CA
Mayor Glenn Hendricks, City of Sunnyvale, CA
Mayor Michael J Ryan, City of Sunrise, FL
Mayor Daniel E Dietch, City of Surfside, FL
Mayor Stephanie A Miner, City of Syracuse, NY
Mayor Marilyn Strickland, City of Tacoma, WA
Mayor Kate Stewart, City of Takoma Park, MD
Mayor Andrew Gillum, City of Tallahassee, FL
Mayor Bob Buckhorn, City of Tampa, FL
Mayor Jim Carruthers, Traverse City, MI
Mayor Eric E Jackson, City of Trenton, NJ
Mayor Jonathan Rothschild, City of Tucson, AZ
Mayor Shelley Welsch, University City, MO
Mayor Diane Marlin, City of Urbana, IL
Mayor Dave Chapin, City of Vail, CO
Mayor Muriel Bowser, City of Washington, D.C.
Mayor Oscar Rios, City of Watsonville, CA
Mayor Edward O’Brien, City of West Haven, CT
Mayor John Heilman, City of West Hollywood, CA
Mayor Jeri Muoio, City of West Palm Beach, FL
Mayor Christopher Cabaldon, City of West Sacramento, CA
Mayor Daniel Corona, City of West Wendover, NV
Mayor Thomas M Roach, City of White Plains, NY
Mayor Debora Fudge, City of Windsor, CA
Mayor Allen Joines, City of Winston Salem, NC
Mayor Angel Barajas, City of Woodland, CA
Mayor Joseph M Petty, City of Worcester, MA
Mayor Mike Spano, City of Yonkers, NY
Mayor Amanda Maria Edmonds, City of Ypsilanti, MI
(Source: Mayors’ National Climate Action Agenda)