ABOUT & CONTACT ![]() Promoting good government ON THIS PAGE: Financial, editorial & organisational independence ||| Aims ||| Code of Ethics for mayors ||| World Mayor Project ||| Freedom Mayors ||| Women Mayors Project ||| Research & publishing ||| City Mayors Fellows ||| Index, Search & Contact WORLD MAYOR 2023: The 2023 World Mayor Prize is dedicated to Friendship between Cities. The Honours will be awarded to mayors and cities that have made outstanding contributions to friendship, partnership and cooperation between towns and cities at home and across borders. PLEASE ELECT YOUR CANDIDATES In this century, towns and cities, rather than nation states, shape the world's social, cultural, technological and economic agendas. This process will lead to increased competition for human, intellectual and material resources but will also force cities to co-operate with and learn from one another. The City Mayors Foundation, an international research and campaigning think tank dedicated to urban affairs, is maintained and financed by professionals working together in Europe, the Americas and Asia to promote strong and prosperous cities as well as good local government. Established in 2003, City Mayors encourages city leaders from across the world to develop innovative and sustainable solutions to long-standing urban challenges such as governance, society, housing, transport, education and employment. City Mayors also debates ways to meet the latest environmental, health, technological, social and security challenges, which affect the well-being of citizens. The City Mayors Foundation has no association with any city or organisation and is run on strictly non-commercial, non-profit lines. Sponsorships, advertising, subscriptions, donations or any other kind of revenue are NOT sought and will be rejected, if offered. Aims Cities and their people are essential drivers of economies. The City Mayors Foundation works for a harmonious and sustainable relationship between cities, their economies and the environment. City Mayors also analyses the new challenges of urban governance, including migration pressures, community integration and disaster management. Successful cities require strong and resourceful leaders and well-resourced administrations, reflecting the communities they serve. City Mayors backs demands to give local governments, who cooperate with one another, increased power and authority as well as additional resources. The City Mayors Foundation campaigns against any kind of corruption in local government. The City Mayors Foundation recognises the role women play in local government and seeks to increase the number of women mayors. Code of Ethics City Mayors has instituted a Code of Ethics for city leaders who wish to perform their duties beyond all reproach. The World Mayor Project The City Mayors Foundation has awarded The World Mayor Prize and Commendations since 2004. Every two years, the World Mayor Project features mayors who have made outstanding contributions to their communities and have developed a vision for urban living and working that is relevant to towns and cities across the world. Since 2016, the World Mayor Project has addressed some of the big issues of our time: The refugee crisis (2016); The underrepresentation of women in local government (2018); cities after the Covid-19 pandemic (2021). The 2023 World Mayor Prize and Awards will be presented to mayors and cities that have made outstanding contributions to friendship, partnership and cooperation between towns and cities, at home and across borders. Please elect your candidate for World Mayor 2023. Freedom Mayors Without Fear or Favour - Mayors must act at all times in the interest of their citizens. They must do so without Fear or Favour. - Mayors must not be intimidated, directly or by implication, in the conduct of their duties. - Mayors must not be offered incentives that contravene their oath of office. The Freedom Mayors Project is being launched to support the independence, integrity and public accountability of mayors worldwide. We will celebrate mayors who stand up to intimidation whether the threats originate from authoritarian regimes, criminal organisations, powerful corporations or political interest groups. We will side with mayors who have become victims of coercion and violence. The Freedom Mayors Project encourages and will rely on public participation. Please suggest mayors who, in your opinion, are or have been obstructed in carrying out their public duties without fear or favour. Freedom.Mayors@gmail.com The Women Mayors Project The Women Mayors Project, launched in late 2021 by the City Mayors Foundation, is dedicated to women in local government. The Project features the achievements of women mayors from across the world and campaigns for women to play a stronger political role in towns and cities. Female mayors have demonstrated their determination to succeed and service to their communities. Many have become role models for young women and, indeed, men. In local government, particularly in politics, women are under-represented. While a number of prominent cities, like Tokyo, Berlin, Chicago, Paris and Sydney, have elected female mayors, according to research by the City Mayors Foundation, less than fifteen per cent of the world’s mayors are women. (Other research points to even lower figures) It is also estimated that in Europe and North America only between 30 and 35 per cent of city councillors are female. We wish to show what women mayors achieve all over the world. By doing so, we hope to encourage more women to contemplate a career in local government and run for political office. Research, publishing & pro bono services The City Mayors Foundation maintains the City Mayors website, organises the bi-annual World Mayor Project and publishes original research. It also acts as a publishing house for its fellows. City Mayors also provides a range of pro bono services to local government, academic institutions, the press and members of the public.