United Cities and Local Governments
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08002 Barcelona
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Elisabeth Gateau, Secretary General

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City Mayors reports news from towns and cities around the world. Worldwide | Elections | North America | Latin America | Europe | Asia | Africa | Events |

Mayors from The Americas, Europe. Asia, Australia and Africa are competing for the annual World Mayor Award. More

City Mayors ranks the world’s largest as well as richest cities and urban areas. It also ranks the cities in individual countries, and provides a list of the capital cities of some 200 sovereign countries. More

City Mayors lists and features urban events, conferences and conventions aimed at urban decision makers and those with an interst in cities worldwide. More

City Mayors reports political events, analyses the issues and depicts the main players. More

City Mayors describes and explains the structures and workings of local government in Europe, The Americas, Asia, Australia and Africa. More

City Mayors profiles city leaders from around the world and questions them about their achievements, policies and aims. More

City Mayors deals with economic and investment issues affecting towns and cities. More

City Mayors reports on how business developments impact on cities and examines cooperation between cities and the private sector. More

City Mayors describes and explains financial issues affecting local government. More

City Mayors reports urban environmental developments and examines the challenges faced by cities worldwide. More

City Mayors reports on and discusses urban development issues in developed and developing countries. More

City Mayors reports on developments in urban society and behaviour and reviews relevant research. More

City Mayors deals with urban transport issues in developed and developing countries and features the world’s greatest metro systems. More

City Mayors examines education issues and policies affecting children and adults in urban areas. More

City Mayors investigates health issues affecting urban areas with an emphasis on health in cities in developing countries. More

City Mayors examines the contributions history and culture make to urban society and environment. More

City Mayors examines the importance of urban tourism to city economies. More

City Mayors describes the history, architecture and politics of the greatest city halls in the world. More

City Mayors invites readers to write short stories about people in cities around the world. More

City Mayors questions those who govern the world’s cities and talks to men and women who contribute to urban society and environment. More

City Mayors profiles national and international organisations representing cities as well as those dealing with urban issues. More

City Mayors reports on major national and international sporting events and their impact on cities. More

City Mayors lists cities and city organisations, profiles individual mayors and provides information on hundreds of urban events. More
Chirac asks cities to respect everyones
origins, beliefs, traditions and aspirations
By James Monaghan
29 May 2004: French President Jacques Chirac characterised the city as the cradle of civilisation, the birthplace of democracy, but also the place where violence and injustice wreak the cruellest havoc. After the rapid expansion of industry and urbanisation in the last century, we now face the challenge of achieving sustainable development while handling population and urban expansion.
Nearly half of the world's men, women and children live in towns, and this is projected to rise to 60 per cent by 2030. Increasing numbers of major cities are appearing, some extremely wealthy and others desperately poor, but all now with larger populations than most of the world's states.
Speaking at the founding congress of the World Organisation of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) in Paris, Jacques Chirac set out the historical importance of cities as well as the new challenges which they face in the 21st Century and welcomed the new bodys role in being the voice of urban communities.
Democracy in the towns should be at its liveliest in local government where the elected representatives are closest to their fellow citizens. Yet in the huge modern conurbations the personal link between local government and its voters is becoming strained. These links must be reinstated and strengthened, by decentralisation and putting decisions back in the hands of those who have to live with their consequences, while balancing the needs of the day with planning for the future.
The electors expect their representatives to effectively protect them against crime and keep law and order, but firm policing must be combined with integration, and respect for everyones origins, beliefs, traditions and aspirations. Yet no one may take advantage of a community allegiance to impose their law on the law. Everyone must accept the other's liberty and the common rules.
The world-economy is organised into highly complex and increasingly flexible networks. Businesses set up and relocate as opportunities arise. It is up to each town and region to attract the best and most dynamic businesses as possible. Every element of global competition - infrastructures, housing, taxation, cultural life, links with the rest of the world and quality of the environment - must be brought into play to win over and hold onto talents, which guarantee well-being and international influence. Yet global competition must be balanced by global cooperation at every level. Assertive proactive social policies are also needed to overcome the effects of restructuring and to form local groupings all the more necessary for social cohesion in that international competition is virtually unbridled.
The South is now experiencing the rural exodus experienced by the North for one and a half centuries. This has brought populations forced by need and gradually stripped of their cultural identity flooding into the towns. It has created cities brimming with wealth and vitality alongside poverty-stricken areas, shantytowns into which are crammed nearly one billion people. In the face of this urban explosion, the South needs help and co-operation. The North also suffers from this coexistence of rich and poor areas, this mechanism of exclusion that spawns injustice and humiliation. We cannot resign ourselves to this.
We need to design modern town planning that corrects the terrible failings of town planning in the 20th century. Draw on all the resources generated by progress without sacrificing a sometimes irreplaceable heritage. Guarantee everyone, despite demographic pressure, the space they need to live comfortably without inconveniencing their neighbour. Find the right balance for the height and concentration of housing and the spread and density of the urban fabric. Design a transport network that facilitates trade without congesting the cities. Give people and business their place and organise their relations with the surrounding environment. Meet the specific needs of children, seniors, the disabled and the most vulnerable. Make it easier for the underprivileged to access decent housing, education and health care. Create enough parks for city dwellers to have room to breathe. The responsibility to construct and maintain public water, sanitation, electricity, transport and communication networks is a key to economic success and the battle against hunger and disease throughout the world, as well as to determining the relevance of our response to one of the major crises of our time: the ecological crisis.
Modern towns are heavily involved in this crisis. As huge emitters of pollution and waste and enormous consumers of space, energy and natural resources, they make a massive ecological mark on the planet, which compels their inhabitants to concern themselves with the consequences of this: local consequences in the form of pollution and sometimes-serious illnesses created by our lifestyles, and global consequences in terms of the impact on the balance of nature.
In brief, cities as well as states face four major requirements
The requirement of responsibility. National and regional responses to issues such as containing financial crises, fighting organised crime and terrorism, combating AIDS and the major pandemics, and solving the ecological crisis are no longer enough on their own. We have to accept our interdependences, gauge the consequences of our actions and organise our reaction together on a world-wide basis.
The requirement of democracy. To give this collective response the same legitimacy as national policies implies taking action within the framework of the international institutions, especially the UN. It implies stepping up the participation of the Southern countries and giving MPs, local government representatives and associations more of a say
The requirement of solidarity. At a time when we are seeing the interpenetration of economies, nations' destinies are merging and a planetary consciousness is gradually appearing. Official development assistance must be stepped up and the new wealth generated by the globalisation of trade must be mobilised to further global development.
The requirement of dialogue between cultures. If nations are to address globalisation dispassionately and accept the universal values of the 1948 Declaration of Human Rights, they have to be assured that their identity will be respected and their uniqueness recognised. The dialogue of cultures is one of the most effective antidotes to the supposedly inevitable clash of civilisations.
