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In your opinion:
Kwame Kilpatrick
Mayor of Detroit, USA
We invite our readers to debate the issues and personalities discussed in articles published by City Mayors. We also welcome suggestions on how our coverage of cities and their people could be improved and extended. Praise us. Criticise us. Write for us.
Below we publish a cross-sections of recent comments by City Mayors readers. If you wish to join our worldwide dialogue on urban affairs, then please post your views, comments or suggestions using the form at the bottom of this page.
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Mayor of Detroit, USA
From Raie S., New York City, USA
I feel sorry for the people of Detroit. I really do. It's clear he could care less for the city and has abused his power. I just wish the people of Detroit could have seen he was a bad choice from day one. I have always said he's not ready for this type of power and he has proved me right. Also, can he please stop using the race card. OMG.. Every time he is pushed into a corner he use the race card. What is he thinking? Does he think the citizens of Detroit are that stupid and we will rally behind him in support. I'm so over it.
From Dick, Windsor, Ontario, Canada:
Just a comment from across the River. It is a pity that Mayor Kilpatrick is digging his own political/professional grave with each passing day that he remains adamant about remaining Mayor of Detroit. Does he not realize that he has blown this position of his sky high. I truly wonder at his state of mind that he doesn't, at this point, think enough of himself to save face (a little anyway) and walk away from City Hall of his own volition. He loses even more if he remains long enough until he is ousted. Of course, his state of mind, has been one that thinks lying, covering up, sharing inside info with friends to help them benefit financially, perjuring himself in a court of law, extra-marital affairs (and who knows what else) is something that he has a right to do, so this type of mentality it would seem is also one that feels he can break every other law and code of ethics and should not be caught. After all, He Is The MAYOR! I believe his anger so inappropriate.
From: Mark B., Chesaning, USA:
I think you should fight this. Bill Clinton, went through a similar situation in the 1990's and he defeated the impeachment-removal process. I think you can do the same thing! Good luck to you Mr Mayor.
From Patricia, Detroit, USA
I feel that the only thing wrong the mayor of Detroit did is his spending of the city’s money. This can be paid back. Dock so much of his pay until the money is paid back. As for the personal part of the problem, his wife should be the only one that has to deal with that. His extra marital affairs have nothing to do with making decisions about the city. All those that are talking need to get the skeletons out of their closets. Like God said ,"He that has not sinned, cast the first stone".
From Donna E., Birmingham, USA:
I believe in Mayor Kilpatrick. He might be young and somewhat a "hip-hop" Mayor, but, this is what Detroit needs at this time. Every Mayor before him has not related to the people like he has. Yes, the Mayor made mistakes. But, he is human like us all. Sure, the city is paying for his playing, but, can we look beyond that. The City Council is out to hang him. These people care only for themselves and their pay checks. Big ones at that!! Why won't anyone question them. Are they saints? I doubt it. They just haven't been caught! You ROCK KWAME. God bless you and your family.
From R. G., Mildford, Oakland, USA
I feel that the good mayor should resign from his position as mayor, be prosecuted for surgery and bared from using any form of law degree he has. He has disgraced his position and embarrassed the city of Detroit "again" for a second time. He is steriotypical of an untrustworthy politician, abuses his position as mayor and is not worthy of the office. I am amazed and appalled at the ignorance of his supporters and just can't understand how and why they can be so blind to support this man.
From Linda, Troy, Michigan, USA:
Why is he still in office? Do we not have justice? This man has no business in office. He is nothing but an uncontrolled, immature idiot. Detroit does not need this man to run their City. Detroit is in a mess. Michigan is in a mess. Find someone that truly cares about this City. He is blowing every extra penny on himself. I am so sick of all these greedy people in office that want to scam the people's money. Get him out of there.
From Nicholas James F., Clinton Township, USA:
Kwame Kilpatrick needs to resign. Sure, I understand that he has done great things for the city, but now his integrity is under question, again! I am glad that I do not live in a city where this mayor is in office.
From L. R. P., Detroit, USA
"One without sin cast the first stone!" Mr. Kwame Kilpatrick has done a very good job over hs term. He has made some moral and ethical mistakes and the media everywhere has magnified them. Where he has actually caused damage to the city. The only damage that I see that to his wife and family. Even though he is our Mayor, he deserves to have some privacy. His infidelity is not a problem of the city, but is between him and his wife. People need to drop his personal life and report and talk about something more important like, what are we going to do about our school system, community centers; appropriate housing,resources,and funding for Foster Care, and cutting property taxes.
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We invite our readers to comment on the issues and personalities discussed in articles published by City Mayors. But we welcome even more suggestions on how our coverage of cities and their people could be improved and extended. Praise us. Criticise us. Write for us. Please post your text below. While we endeavour to publish all relevant comments, we reserve the right to edit them and to reject unsuitable contributions.
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