Crime and security issues affecting

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Urban crime & security
City Mayors investigates crime and security issues affecting urban areas
Mayors stand up to
American gun lobby
20 December 2012: “The time has come for mayors from America’s towns and cities to make a stand against the gun lobby and tell them that the lives of children and their teachers must not be put in danger by allowing owners of assault weapons to pursue their hobbies,” so wrote a mayor to City Mayors. Separately, hundreds of US mayors have written to President Barack Obama urging him to use all his powers and the moral authority of his office to reign in the spread and use of guns. More
Latin American cities are the
most dangerous in the world
12 October 2012: Latin America's cities are the most dangerous in the world, with certain cities - especially Honduran and Mexican ones - leading the list of world cities with most murders. San Pedro Sula, a city of some 720,000 people in northern Honduras is thought to be the most dangerous city in the world with 160 murders per 100,000 inhabitants per annum. The murder rate in Ciudad Juárez, on the Mexican-US, border is estimated at 148. New Orleans, with a murder rate of 58, is the world’s most murderous city outside Latin America. More
Confronting organized crime and
urban violence in Latin America
18 December 2011: Public safety is increasingly determined by crime and security in urban spaces. How the public safety problem in urban spaces is dealt with in the 21st century as urbanization intensifies will determine citizens’ perceptions of the accountability and effectiveness of the state in upholding the social contract between the citizens and the state. Major cities of the world and the provision of security and order within them, will increasingly play a major role in the 21st century distribution of global power. More
Good policing is about social integration
and not about ‘zero tolerance’ measures
25 July 2010: In an interview with City Mayors, Latin American security expert and judicial Argentinean reformer, Carlos Arslanian, who is known for his progressive ideas for overcoming security threats in Latin American cities, described ‘zero tolerance’ and ‘tough on crime’ measures as total failures. “They’ve created a symbolic criminal law system, a criminal law system that fools citizens or utilizes the collective idea that with strong penalties we solve the problems,” he said. More
