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Mayor Monitor for Latin America
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City Mayors invites its readers to praise or criticise how mayors from Latin America lead their cities. Please comment on their achievements while in office or describe their failures.
Below we publish a cross-sections of recent and pertinent comments. If you wish to comment on any mayor, then please post your views using our online form.
Mayors from Latin America on this page:
| Guatemala City | Mexico City | São Paulo (Brazil) |
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Alvaro Arzú, Mayor of Guatemala City
From Juan Carlos C P (Outside Guatemala): Give back the pedestrian areas in the city centre, by relocating the informal street vedors to a fit for purpose market that is accetable to all stakeholders: street vendors, shoppers of "fake goods", owners of formal shops, and municipal authorities.
The solution was pragmatical since the goods offered on the street feed the black market, but at the same time is imposible to tackle. By relocating them somehwere where they can sell their goods taking them out of the streets provides the buyer a safe environment to do their shopping. The street is back to the pedestrian! Additioanlly he is serious (and one can see it on the streets) to make Guatemala city the most modern and attractive city in Central America. Posted January 2011
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Marcelo Ebrard, Mayor of Mexico City
From Marina S (Mexico City): Ebrard´s greatest achievement is based in the excellent relationship he have developed his diplomacy and strenght of character that have permitted a good managed of political and social enviroments. It is a kind of "everybody can agree between them, there aren´t anything imposible" "in order and step, by step" "we are making the most convenient for everyone". The city feels confortable despite all the road works that we are facing and the people is happy despite all things we are living. Marcelo has developed Human rights, Major infrastructure works (transportation, water), implementation of constructiveness programs of leisure that makes mental happiness for those deprived social classes, support to education, between others not less importants. Posted June 2011
From From Angelita DGV (Mexico City): Ebrard is promoting dependency on government assistance to the youngest population of Mexico City and lacks incentives for this age group to study harder. In fact, Ebrard promotes waste of time with free entertaintment activities like ice-skating (not a very green idea under the tropical sun of Mexico City) with a waiting line of FOUR hours in order to skate 30 minutes at the main plaza or Zocalo. Imagine 40,000 people every day waiting for a non-natural passtime like ice-skating!!! ABSURD!! Posted April 2011
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Gilberto Kassab, Mayor of São Paulo, Brazil
From M R F (São Paulo): Mayor Kassab raised the price of the bus pass twice, even though his only campaingn promise was that he wasn't incease the cost. He raised taxes and reduced the money for city utilities (the streets are full of garbege). He made the city traffic problem worse that it already was. Posted August 2011
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