City Mayors endeavours to answer readers' questions on a wide range of topics and / or point to relevant sources

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Questions & Answers

28 January 2013: We invite readers to submit questions on urban issues. Our editorial team is qualified to deal with enquiries on topics listed below. You may also raise questions about The City Mayors Foundation and the World Mayor Project as well as about articles on this website and their authors.

• Governance
• Politics
• Society
• Finance
• Economy
• Environment
• Planning
• Transportation
• Immigration
• Education
• Marketing
• Culture
• City Mayors Foundation
• World Mayor

We endeavour to deal with all enquiries to the best of our knowledge and / or direct questioners to relevant sources. However, we reserve the right to ignore frivolous and offensive questions as well as those that can easily be answered by searching the internet. Please use the below form for any questions you may have.

Please ask your question
Topic of question
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Your name and/or organisation
Please provide your full name and any company, organisation or institution you may belong to. Your contact details will only be used to communicate with you.

Your city and country
Please provide the city and country you live in. (Example: Paris, France)

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Your question
If possible, please provide your question in English, using upper and lower cases.

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World Mayor 2023