Omar Maani, Mayor of Amman

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How good is Mayor Omar Maani?
Mayor of Amman, Jordan
City Mayors invites its readers to assess the performance in office of Omar Maani, Mayor of Amman. Please rate his overall performance by awarding him marks out of ten. '1' signifies an extremely poor performance, while '10' would rate his performance as outstanding. Please also provide details of what in your opinion are the mayor’s best and worst decisions.
Over time, Mayor Monitor will provide a valuable track record of the mayor's successes and failures as well as his popularity among residents and a wider public. The results will be published on the City Mayors website and updated regularly.
Please assess Mayor Maani not more than once a month. In order to eliminate multiple submissions and/or fraudulent as well as organised rating by political friends and foes of the mayor, all submissions are processed manually and, if deemed questionable, cross-checked. Thank you for participating. How good is Mayor Omar Maani? You decide!
Performance index:
April 2011: 6.73 points ouf of 10
January 2011: 7.02 points out of 10
February 2010: 8.11 points out of 10
January 2010: 8.06 points out of 10
December 2009: 8.42 points out of 10
October 2009: 8.39 points out of 10
July 2009: 8.03 points out of 10
June 2009: 8.22 points out of 10
April 2009: 8.57 out of 10
Thumbs up for:
• Angelo T (Outside Jordan): He is a great Ambassador for Amman and Jordan, I was there for a festival in Amman, the hospitality and efficiency of his staff was amazing, he is a genuine guy, as a guest to Jordan they assisted in having an amazing cultural festival, I will definetley go back,
• Anon (Outside Jordan): Bringing peace, laughter and accordance to the city of Amman. He truly cares, and respects, and provides to what the people want and deserve!
• Khattab O A Q (Amman): While his vision is great but unfortunately his subordinates lack the understanding, professionalism and discipline to spread the vision towards making Amman a better place, lack of accountability is a major factor and unforeseen grey agendas play an important factor of not promoting the level of Amman.
• Ammani ( Amman): Street numbering; More cultrual events (though sometimes, like Amman Stand up Comedy Festival tickets are out of the reach of most Jordanians; a focus on downtown Amman (but plans appear elitist and may alienate or push aside downtown's traditional users/residents/merchants); encouraging citizens of the city to tell their Amman stories online; additional parks
• Ismail A (Outside Jordan): Mayor Manni is very good at international networking with cities around the world, establishing best practice porograms , travelling, discovering the potencial friendship. He has organized the Arab towns sister cities forum .
• Assil F B (Amman): Amongst many, deciding to upgrade the bus transportation network as well as the facelift he has given Amman in all aspects making it a friendly clean city to live in. Also the incorporation of road name signs and building numbers which was practically non existent in Amman! Also creating oasis of pedestrian areas with a cultural atmosphere for families to enjoy walking and spending the day at especially in the older parts of the city. The Mayoralty of Amman became a very interactive administration and very socially and environmentally aware and involved.
• Rabie A (Amman): Strength of character, sincerity and honesty in work ,is one of the most fundamental principles of any post. Since the time of Omar Maani received by this office there was a radical change in the capital Amman .
Amman Municipality was managed efficiently and effectively as one of the most important government institutions in the country and I think that Omar Maani has gone through more efficient management of the secretariat of Amman Municipality has since its inception .
As I think he is good manager .
• Rita T R (Amman): The opera house. Every cultured city has an opera house. Which make the art , music.... are important issues in our life and it will have a huge impact on our children's life and the coming generation.
• Taghreed (Amman): Combating corruption, the mayor is a man who walks what he talks and much more... He is the historical mayor of the Amman
• Mohammed L (Amman): I'm not saying he's perfect, but for someone who's been living in Amman for 22 years, I can feel the progress he's doing, which isn't an easy thing to do, specially when u have alot of previous shit done by old mayors to fix !!!
• Samira H (Amman): The new numbering of all the buildings an streets
Preserving the esthetic quality of the city by removing the advertizing boards hanged on buildings and making the cleaning of commercial buildings facades mandatory
• Nuran M (Amman): Mayor Maani's vision for Amman to bring it up to the level of world capitals, working step by step on every single field in order to develop Amman, a vision that came in a time where Amman was affected by the property boom so he was the right man in the right place.
• Nadine (Amman): Renewing the old Amman (the old down town) and concentrate on free entertainment for Jordanians.
• Farah H (Amman): The mayor has re-organized the city's street names and numbers... Much clearer and easier to navigat
• Phaedra A-M (Amman): Opening a dialogue between the people and the municipality through conferences which he attends personally encouraging one on one chats and exchanges of opinions.
• Marie H, Amman: Beautification of Amman by forbidding huge bill boards, by creating pedestrian streets and walkable pavements, putting numbers on every house as well as street names
• Hind D, Amman: House numbering system, and street naming.
• Wisam S, Amman: Organize the city and plan it for the first time. Try to breath some new cultural initiatives into the city that aren't your traditional dull folkloric events (like the comedy festival!). Also bringing an aesthetic quality to some previously ugly areas (like the painting and livening up of dull buildings opposite Jabal Amman)
Said M, Amman: Making Amman into a child friendly and Senior Citizen friendly City.
• Mohammad A, Amman: The development of Amman's Master plan
- Removing all the ugly signs from buildings
- Street signage
• Ali S, Amman: He face the corruption around him with patiance and wisdom.
• Ali H, Outside Jordan: The mayor's decision to start, with no precedence in the region in place, a comedy festival in Amman, bringing laughter, joy and hope to a region that so often bears the burden of pain and loss.
• Ghassan R N: Full marks for his efforts to make Amman the cleanest city in the Middle East.
• Samer S J, Amman: Restructuring the Municipality, to make everyone in office account for something. Greater Amman Municipality (GAM) is now more equipped for the 21st Century.
• Dean O. Outside Jordan: Fostering more cultural events such as the Amman Stand up Comedy Festival which took place last December and was the first stand up comedy festival ever in the Middle East. The second annual festival is this December.
• LKS, Amman: The four-phase masterplan.
• Reem A A Z, Amman: Restructure of Greater Amman Municipality; Creating the master plan of Amman; Rehabilitating the city and making it a liveable city; Making the city of Amman a cultural hub; Improving the work conditions for the municipality employees; Creating the outreach programs
• Ali Z K, Amman: Amman Comedy Festival
• Rami J: Making Amman a better place to live in; New Logo for Amman; Streets maintenance; Entertainement activities
• FMK, Amman: First ever masterplan for the city; Urban regenaration projects; Social work
Thumbs down for:
• Mohammed T (Amman): Where was the mayor when the citizens of Amman demonstrated for greater freedom?
• John (Amman): Mayor Maani is very bad in managing and motivating the city's workforce.
• Zainab S (Amman): We can't seem to find one street that doesn't have a huge hole. Although they are working on enhancing the city, but the city can't take so many projects at the same time. It is causing chaos
• Salman M (Amman): Indirect corruption. contracts for major projects going to special interests. increased nepotism. increased divide between west (rich) Amman and east (poor) Amman based on public projects.
• Rami J (Amman): Cutting olive trees from the streets
• Ammani (Amman): Elitest projects which serve the rich & harm or do not benefit the majority of Ammanis(like Wadi Amman, Citadel); not allowing street vendors to operate & by doing so degrading cultural heritage; allowing beautiful old homes to be demolished; destroying Hay il-Gaysiyyeh & denying its residents of their right to choose to stay or to receive fair compensation in order to make room for alien/unecessary towers; painting homes of the poor but not listening to or caring about their residents; focusing too much on the aesthetics & not enough on substance; not enough transparency with the media & public; not accepting criticism very well; appeasing influential people; overspending; uprooting hundreds of olive trees on sidewalks; focusing more on tourists than on residents of the city
• Moh'd (Amman): Removing all olive trees from streets. taking a side in Al-Abdali project against Abu-Ghazaleh Group. concentrating the focus on western areas in Amman, lake of improvement in Camps living quality, spending a fortune on Rainbow street renewal, forgetting about transportation problem and made it controlled by big companies.
• Petitenemesis (Amman): The mayor's worst mistake while in office is thinking that he can get away with autocratic thinking and not be accountable for his administration.
• Muwaten (Amman): Not paying attention to Eastern Amman. The capital is still full of random landscaping mistakes, curbs are broken. No parking spaces, if existed parkings are not organized and people double park with no penalties. Eastern Amman is full of old/broken/random/ugly and dirty buildings. CO2 Pollution is increasing
• Lui (Amman): 1) Removing all the companies signs from its buildings which made the buildings looks dull and companies hard to find. 2) Interfering with outdoor advertising and putting so much restrictions on its licenses IF giving-out any. 3) Created a huge monopoly on regard of bill-board advertising and the outdoor Adv. in general.
• Reida (Amman): Allowing some public parks to be built on for various purposes
• N H (Amman): it's rather stupid to see how the two of the city's major shopping malls are a block away from each other. It just shows lack of urban planning. The private sector has grown to more than 50% and Jordnanians are cheering about holding more festivals. What a great distraction to keep their attention away from the important questions. Lack of transparency in Jordanian politics in general. Large gap between rich and poor and the almost non-existent middle class.
• Suzan Sh (Amman): More effort should be put on creating a council that evaluates the architectural design of buildings before they're being permitted. In addition to certain incentives for designs that propose new methods of construction and energy saving to encourage creativity.
• Nuran M (Amman): Public traffic still not solved. and the lack of human scale in amman streets
• Nadine (Amman): Allowing the two towers next 6th circle, and Sanaya tower in the down town.
• Anton B (Amman): Not spending money whatsoever on maintaining the already damaged streets and roads of the city.
• Hind D, Amman: Not allwoing beauty centers to be in residential areas, but in commercial earas and on main wide streets.
• Wisam S, Amman: Though not entirely himself to blame, the new branding work of the city could have been done "differently". Better than it was before, but was somewhat expedited at the expense of a wholistic branding approach.
• Reida, Amman: Giving up a public park for sale for residential construction in Abdoun
• Mohammad A, Amman: Including agricultural and natural areas in the development plan.
• Abu Abdul R: He is appointed NOT elected! This how it goes in a monarchy. He Uprooted trees rather than planting them, High sales Taxes, poor city services, streets in very bad shape, air is polluted, traffic is a big mess.
• Z Z A, Amman: Putting the city into a deficit. "Wastat" like never before. It's who you know.
• T A, Amman: Indirect corruption, conflict of interest, and personal favors, in addition to decisions made based on personal issues and personal agenda.
• Ali S, Amman: The change of culture and improvement of service quality at this size and rate, needs basic and solid pillars to build upon them a greater city with non-negotiable values, I belive he still did not build those pillars for a strong foundation (Yet); however, seems he's in the way of having a clearer vision of what needs to be done in order for Ammanies to have their city as beautiful and convenient as they need (not want); Streets, gardens with "air" to breath, and to feel that you can have a good family life without the need to go to a private club, it's coming, but slowly.
• Samer S J, Amman: Taking a side in Al-Abdali development project against Abu-Ghazaleh group, because it looks like he was the judge and jury at the same time.
• Mohamad H S, Amman: We need more bar licenses.
• Reem A A Z, Amman: Nor being open with the media
• Rami J, Amman: Removing the olive trees from the streets
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