Campbell Newman, Lord Mayor of Brisbane

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Rating Campbell Newman
Lord Mayor of Brisbane, Australia
City Mayors invites its readers to assess the performance in office of Campbell Newman, Mayor of Brisbane. Please rate his overall performance by awarding him marks out of ten. '1' signifies an extremely poor performance, while '10' would rate his performance as outstanding. Please also provide details of what in your opinion are the mayor’s best and worst decisions.
Update April 2011: Campbell Newman has resigned as mayor of Brisbane
Over time, Mayor Monitor will provide a valuable track record of the mayor's successes and failures as well as his popularity among residents and a wider public. The results will be published on the City Mayors website and updated regularly.
Please assess Mayor Newman not more than once a month. In order to eliminate multiple submissions and/or fraudulent as well as organised rating by political friends and foes of the mayor, all submissions are processed manually and, if deemed questionable, cross-checked. Thank you for participating.
Performance index:
April 2011: 7.87 points out of 10
January 2011: 8.07 points out of 10
November 2010: 6.31 points out of 10
July 2010: 6.14 points out of 10
Thumbs up for:
• Jacky M (Brisbane): The Lord Mayor wasan effective leader during the floods of the century. His attitude and hands-on management skills prevented a greater disaster.
• Baffe (Brisbane): I'm glad to hear Campbell is going to rebuild Riverwalk. I know he loathed it, but I'm glad he recognises its popularity. Its a change to overcome the engineering mistakes made in the original. Well done, Mr. Mayor.
• J J (Brisbane): Go Campbell! So glad someone with sense is in charge.
• Cathy C M (Brisbane): Lord Mayor Newman has proved that the floods that he is the best mayor Brisbane ever had. Thank you. We need your for many more years.
• Daniel (Brisbane): The man of the hour during the January floods!
• Smith (Brisbane): He has planned for the FUTURE. Dis the Clem 7 if you want. But in 10 years it will be heavily used. He's building the infrastrucute that other lord mayors failed to do. He's secured more funding from the state government and rightfully so from the state government as the largest council in the world, yet this is a failure? We have more buses then ever before.
• Scotta (Brisbane): Delivery of much needed, large infrastructure projects to reduce traffic congestion.
• Residents of Retreat Street: Focus on improving road networks throughout the city. Starting the Neighbourhood Planning process where residents have input into the development strategy for their area.
• Rowan B (Brisbane): In my opinion, the best decision of our Lord Mayor is to purchase green energy for the city.
• Grey cat (Brisbane): Restoration of city hall
• David A H (Brisbane): Getting things done. Keeping ratepayers informed. Generally great guy.
• K B (Brisbane): Excellent vision re: development and infrastructure, progressing nicely.
• Erin M (Brisbane): Green bike hire scheme
• Karen G (Brisbane): Promising to increase cycle pathways to useful places instead of purely recreational places.
• Tristan P (Brisbane): Reducing speed limits in the Brisbane Central Business District to 40km/hr
Thumbs down for:
• Scotta (Brisbane): He depended on the cash strapped State Government to help fund some of his projects therefor they are not being commenced. However it would have been hard to foresee the extend of the global financial crisis when he made the decision.
• Residents of Retreat Street: After starting the Neighbourhood Planning process and working with many residents over 4 years to develope a great plan for the area, then to totally ignore the approved plan and side with a developer to do the exact opposite. It seems our Lord mayor has spent so much money and run up such a huge debt for the Brisbane residents that he will do anything to raise funds including ignoring the logical approved Neighbourhood Plans in favour of high fees from developers for inappropriate development applications. If this Lord Mayor is regarded as the best, pity the other citys.
• Rowan B (Brisbane): In my opinion, the worst decision of our Lord Mayor is to budget more money on the Northern Link road project (for driver only, driver owned motor vehicles) in 2010-11 than the entire public transport budget. When Campbell Newman eventually leaves office, his legacy to Brisbane will be a number of road tunnels and bridges, while Brisbane is underwhelmed by public transport. History will remember Lord Mayor Newman for his tunnel vision.
• C M (Brisbane): Spending our hard earned ratepayer money on useless tunnels and bridges that no one uses. More should be spent on public transport. He's cut funding for all the community programs, and now has nothing much happening in the suburbs, but has activities in the City that no one attends. Not spending more money on public transport and breaking his election promises, eg he said he wouldn't put rates up and he has. He doesn't listen to any one, in fact I find him so arrogant, and he acts like a dictator. He's an ex army officer and still thinks he's in the army, bossing everyone around. He has no compassion.
• Don H (Brisbane): He has taken brisbane in completely the opposite direction from the rest of the world's great cities are heading. Newman has made the car 'king'. All planning revolves around the car, but his tunnels are under-performing with less than predicted traffic volumes while the costs are massively greater than predicted. His vision is a tunnel vision and his legacy will be a crippling debt and a lost public transport opportunity.
• Grey cat (Brisbane): Making everything the council does, secret and excluded from FOI requests.
• David A H (Brisbane): Insufficient focus on sustainable transport options (pandering too much to the car owners)
• Adrian B (Brisbane): The mayor's greatest sins have been against democracy. His sham consultations with local residents are an insult to their humanity. His pandering to big business amounts to selling off our future as well as our present.
• K B (Brisbane): Failure to reduce traffic flow through better public transport
• D G (Brisbane): Undermining public confidence in neighbourhood planning to the extent that a city-wide resident action movement consisting of over 40 local groups has been formed to reclaim local leadership for local development. Local residents and business and community groups wish to achieve future development consistent with local ambitions and principles.
• Tristan P (Brisbane): Investing the majority of Council's transport budget into a network of road bridges and tunnels that has put the city into debt, increased congestion, destroyed parklands and forced housing resumptions.
• Seleneah (Brisbane): Mayor Newman believes that he can build his way out of congestion with roads.He has spent the majority of transport budget on car centric infrastructure. The toll tunnels and bridges are under-perfoming. What a waste of our money.
All spending on public transport is piecemeal and not part of a researched vision.
He is implementing planning schemes that encourage a built form that favour the short term interest of large developers at the expense of long term interest of the neighbourhood and environment.
He has politicised the bureaucracy which is unhealthy for any organisation or city.
• Karen G (Brisbane): Trying to solve our worsening traffic problems by widening roads, digging tunnels and generally doing things that increase private motor useage rather than encouraging and facilitating economic public mass transport systems.
Our latest multi million dollar tunnel is a disaster, proving too costly to use for the average citizen and doing nothing in practical terms to help our traffic flows.
Spending hundreds of millions on restoring an old town hall when the city's people are suffering ever increasing rate and utility increases.
• Erin M (Brisbane): Making toll tunnels and bridges instead of expanding public transport while he could. Shame!
• Jaz (Brisbane): Too many bridges and tunnels, and not enough or cheap public transport, fake community consultations especially about building height restrictions (Council wants 30 stories - the community no more than 8).
• Brisbane ratepayer (Brisbane): Waste of ratepayer funds on expensive and useless road infrastructure projects.
Elizabeth (Brisbane): Privatizing and selling off green space. Massive rate increases and now trying to hide this by separating out water charges. False community consultations that are an absolute disgrace. Wasting billions of dollars on misdirected road projects that should have been public transport projects. ALL of these projects so far have been an environmental and financial disaster. He refuses to listen to any opinion that differs from his own. We call him Concrete Campbell and it is not a complement.
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