Jerry Abramson, former mayor of Louisville

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How good is Jerry Abramson?
Former mayor of Louisville, USA
City Mayors invites its readers to assess the performance in office of Jerry Abramson, Mayor of Louisville. Please rate his overall performance by awarding him marks out of ten. '1' signifies an extremely poor performance, while '10' would rate his performance as outstanding. Please also provide details of what in your opinion are the mayor’s best and worst decisions.
Over time, Mayor Monitor will provide a valuable track record of the mayor's successes and failures as well as his popularity among residents and a wider public. The results will be published on the City Mayors website and updated regularly.
Update November 2010: Greg Fisher has been elected as new mayor of Louisville. Jerry Abramson will be running for lieutenant state governor in 2011.
Performance index:
August 2010: 4.02 points out of 10
April 2010: 3.61 points out of 10
March 2010: 3.77 points out of 10
January 2010: 3.80 points out of 10
December 2009: 3.95 points out of 10
November 2009: 4.09 points out of 10
Thumbs up:
• Paul H (Louisville): Bike paths and improved parks.
• Donna H (Louisville): Bike paths
• WSB (Louisville): Mayor Abramson continues to offer extraordinary leadership through his emphasis of creating an attractive region for economic development, touting arts and culture, and for nurturing a community spirit that is uniquely linked to his personality.
• Taydog (Louisville): Building an international airport that resulted in UPS locating their Worldport in Louisville
• Denis E H (Louisville): He has probably had more community meetings than any other mayor. City government has been more responsive to individual citizens. The number of neighborhood organizations has mushroomed in his term in office. There are about 600 neighborhood groups in Jefferson County. He has appointed women and blacks to high government positions. The police department is much more responsive that it has been in other administrations and it was good under his predecessors Sloane and Armstrong, Abramson improved on what they built. Louisville International Airport was expanded under his tenure and property owners who were affected by the increased noise were compensated. He began Operation Brightside which was first envisioned by Harvey Sloane and enhanced by Dave Armstrong but came into full bloom under Abramson. He expanded and improved Louisville's watergront far beyond the dreams of the late Frank Burke and William Cowger. He recruited the national headquarters for Yum Brands, Presbyterian Church USA, and UPS Air Hub. He made dramatic improvements to public housing.
• Rebecca K (Louisville): Brightside & the green push - Gallapalooza, Fred Wiche Award, Youth Environmental Summit, etc. Creating UPS airport hub. City/county merger
• Anon (Louisville): He has improved the parks, the rivefront and both saved and increased jobs.
• Ward P (Louisville): Staying Mayor for over 25 years and getting the City/County merger passed.
• Amanda L (Louisville): Changing a scrap metal site on the Ohio river into a beautiful park
• RPW (Louisville): Bringing in UPS and relocating the neighborhood area around the airport for the UPS expansion
• Mike M (Louisville): Airport expansion, waterfront park development, baseball stadium downtown, basketball arena downtown, city of parks initiative, Louisville Loop and connected biking trails
• KB (Louisville): To eliminate the positions of the 4 deputy mayors in response to our budget crisis. This simply fixed a problem he created, as we did not need 4 deputy mayors at $250,000 each.
• BTV (Louisville): The mayor created a healthier town by creating bike paths
• Poppi (Louisville): Making Louisville a City of Parks as a priority even when money is tight.
• Tom O (Louisville): Waterfront Park
• Bill D (Louisville): Embracing developing downtown Louisville.
Thumbs down:
• KB (Louisville): Hard to choose from so many: Hiring Gilles Meloche as animal control director, getting the city involved with Cordish, appointing political friends to positions to reward them for their loyalty only to have them abuse the public trust.
• Pam (Louisville): The mayor has absolutely NO cocern for the people residing in the area of Jefferson County that was not in the city limits prior to the joining of city & county.
• Donna H. (Louisville): The total lack of controls over financial, personnel, and virtually all aspects of government. The audit results released in March 2010 by Crit Luallen, State Auditor, chronicle the depth and breath of this corruption and financial mismanagement.
• Paul H (Louisville): Ciy/County Merger; Destruction of established neighborhoods for airport expansion; pumping public money into white elephant projects; 4th Street; Cornish; closing of local police substations and moving "problem groups" into the county; disregarding public opinion over the election or appointment of public officals; loss of jobs; disrespect of firefighters and police; dictatorial management style.
• Donna H (Louisville): Mayor Abramson's failure to face the real problems of this city. Denying crime and gang activity, failure to support the police and firefighters, denying that Metro Animal Services was a corrupt mess which prayed on citizens and their pets while they failed to do their real job and use the resources available to reduce the killing and suffering. Failing the public trust with the unaccountable Cordish mess and virtually pushing young potential home grown rising stars to look for greener pastures.
• T S (Louisville): Failing to respond quickly to a miriade of disaster/emergencies in the metro area UNTIL he was assured that the feds would pay the overtime to the police, fire, and ems... Thus Louisville experienced at least two days of unchecked burglaries in areas with out power and heat.
• John (Louisville): Favortism based on who you know not what you know. Louisville, KY is a society of people where the intelligent and hardworking are largely ignored while the administration continues to collect taxpayer money and give it away to private enterprises. Some of the worst public private partnerships such like which occurred in Italy prior to World War II.
• City Observer (Louisville): Give aways to any developer(Cordish, Museum Plaza, Arena), firing people while building bike paths everywhere that go nowhere,
• Suzy HW (USA): City/County merger, Cordish, housing department, poor leadership/management animal services, police/firefighters and them some. I'm also sick of seeing the large banners with his big face in the airport (how much did those cost?). I don't live there but it's my hometown and I visit often. Louisville belongs to the people who live there, not Jerry Abramson!
• Denis E H (Louisville): I think his worst mistake was not promoting light rail as an alternative to more higheays and the Ohio River bridges. I don't think the issue of air quality was addressed adequately, but then Louisville's geography, located in a Valley may have made a solution to improving air quality more difficuly. I would have liked to have seen him address the problem of noise pollution more effectively than he has.
• bjk (Louisville): Mayor Abramson doesn't care about the city's neighborhoods and has never willingly done anything to help them preserve their homes & businesses or quality of life. He only cares about the big splashy things. Dave Armstrong was a much better mayor.
• Rebecca K (Louisville): UPS airport hub w/respect to flight zone (right over my neighborhood of Old Louisville) Closing the 7th Street fire station. Selling out to locate the arena downtown. Giving "free" taxpayer money to a single private business (Cordish)
• Allen Mc (Louisville): Fiscal Irresponsibility across the board.
• Bulldog (Louisville): Mayor Jerry thinks whatever he wants is what everyone wants. He makes major decisions regarding metro finances without consulting council are any one else. Many of the deals he has made a very shady. Two recent examples are the large amount of money he gave to Cordish to renovate a building at 4th st live and the deal he made with the police chief he hired to supplement his retirement. There are also many others in his past.
• Ward P (Louisville): Giving away millions of free development dollars to Cordish Co. It was harmfull to locals, was a shady deal that Reeks! It ultimitely ruined his popularity with locals.
• Clark (Louisville): Giving money to Cordish to build the Sports and Social Club without Council approval
• DHS (Louisville): The mayor's refusal to follow court decisions and pay the firefighters, his failure to recognize the importance of the police department and his failure to fire the Director of Metro Animal Services who has had horrible audit results over the past three years including no ability to account for money, animals or equipment just to name a few mistakes.
• Marilyn G (Louisville): Giving away the city to an out of town business. Not settling with the firefighters. Forcing a merger and cutting the services in the Urban tax district
• KB (LLouisville): This is difficult as there are so many options. Cordish? The throwing of millions of dollars at a private company for highly overpriced "economic development" projects. If the mayor had bothered to investigate Cordish first, he'd have found that they have caused problems all over the country by asking for millions of dollars and not delivering.
• BTV (Louisville): The mayor made a bad deal with Cordish.
• Poppi (Louisville): Poor communication and lack of partnership with the union workers.
• EdenSprings (Louisville): To come to believe that he was entitled to run this town like he owned it--making one illegal decision after another, giving away taxpayer money hand over fist, putting his wants over the needs of his citizens on a regular basis. He makes Huey Long look like a piker.
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