Manuel José Ossandón. Mayor of Puente Alto, Chile

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How good is Manuel José Ossandón?
Mayor of Puente Alto, Chile*
City Mayors invites its readers to assess the performance in office of Manuel José Ossandón, Mayor of Puente Alto. Please rate his overall performance by awarding him marks out of ten. '1' signifies an extremely poor performance, while '10' would rate his performance as outstanding. Please also provide details of what in your opinion are the mayor’s best and worst decisions.
Over time, Mayor Monitor will provide a valuable track record of the mayor's successes and failures as well as his popularity among residents and a wider public. The results will be published on the City Mayors website and updated regularly.
* Mayor Monitor for Manuel José Ossandón has been suspended due to irregularities.
Performance index:
May 2010: 8.82 points out of 10*
April 2010: 8.82 points out of 10
March 2010: 8.78 points out of 10
January 2010: 8.75 points out of 10
December 2009: 8.68 points out of 10
November 2009: 8.53 points out of 10
October 2009: 8.61 points out of 10
August 2009: 8.70 points out of 10
July 2009: 8.42 points out of 10
Thumbs up:
• Oscar (Puente Alto): The city is much more safer now than it used to be, and now there are more green areas, subway, comerce and better housing options.
• Miguel T C (Puente Alto): In my opinion, I think Don Jose Manuel Ossandon is simply the best mayor of Santiago and Chile, as they represented a very important role in the Puente Alto starting with the development of social welfare (including all relevant social policies represented their own hands and work), easing health hospitals (Hospital Sotero del Rio) and medical centers prosecutors one of the most important to citizens. Also with regard to safety by implementing a Commissioner in a neuralgic point where before there was a lot of crime.
• Christobal (Puente Alto): The mayor has increased the construction of social housing.
• Gmosalgado (Puente Alto): The Mayor has made grate advances in public services and also transforming Puente Alto a better place to visit, work and choose as your living place. Although there is still a lot o work to do Ossandón has made the best considering Puente Alto has limited funds to spend.
• Cecilia C (Puente Alto): His greater action went to be against the day after pill. I am Catholic and we defend fundamental values as it is the right to the life. It has a numerous family like I come already from a Catholic family formed by eight alive brothers and two deceaseds, my parents accepted all the children who God quizo to even give to them at the cost of the life of my mother which in his I complete pregnancy had serious risk of dying.
• Rosita T B (Puente Alto): I believe that their management is very professional and humane. Examples?? modernization and beautification of the city, ifrastructure modern road, quickly and efficiently, citizen protection programs,approach of government benefits to the poorest sectors of the city,zero tolerance for crime, etcetera, would take too long to give in this space. And most important ..... His promises are true, no lie, not a populist moment.
• Maria P K (Puente Alto): He is the best mayor of Chile, because understand the problems of the poor and necesity people and help them to progress in their life. I put a 10
• Alberto I H (Puente Alto): He is a good man, a good mayor. he is interesting in the people, in education, in the common well of my people. He will be the next president of Chile in 2014. Thank you major.
• Claudia VLL (Chile): He´s a family man that respects life and family overall circumnstances and that is reflected in his several programmes of family protection. He has improved the development of the city in different areas: economical, educational, security, job access -to mention some of them-. Since the beggining of his charge, he has been commited to improve primary health care and he´s done that succesfully: he has bettered health facilities, increased number of employees and supported the improvement in both technical and clinical quality. He has been brave in rejecting the distribution of the morning after pill, according to his values that are very clear for everyone. This does not mean that there are no preventive interventions to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Wherever he is, he has always time to listen others problems and needs, and looks for help them in any possible way.
Even I don´t share his political view, he´s the best Mayor the city has ever had. This is shared by thousands of persons that support him through all the years.
• Roberto K (Puento Alto): Ossandón's greatest achievement has been the progressive urban growth of the city, creating the conditions for Puente Alto to become the strongest community of Chile. Ossandón, as a mayor, has become a model for World export.
• Marlene H (Chile): The mayor has turned a poor district into a place where people are now wishing to live in. He has shown an outstanding management of finances, and has improved education and standards of living, a city without drugs and crime.
• Arthur M (Outside Chile): The mayor has effectively reached out to the youth of the city providing infrastructure and educational services far beyond expectations. He has kept youth occupied with interactive programs keeping them focused on their integral human development. This has also kept the crime rate down tremendously.
• Roberto P (Outside Chile): He has well and honestly managed one of the fastest growing cities in Chile bringing together the private and public sectors to work for the good of the city. Private investment in infrastructure, schools, hospitals has been an example of efficiency and common sense. At the same time he has managed to bring up to the challenge public sector workers and has been able to work with all sector of the political spectrum
• Vilma M P (Chile): Mayor Ossandon established an innovative and comprehensive program of assistance to the family, including
--Family mediatio --Psychological counseling for victims and perpetrators of intra-family violenc --Assistance for children and youth at ris --Family counseling . All program elements are free for residents of the city.
• Felipe A T F (Chile): I think the greatest achievement of "Cote" Ossandon is to reduce poverty rate in his city hall. That's because Puente Alto is a very "popular" city and since he run for major, the poor index felt down abruptly.
• Claudia S (Puente Alto): He is against abortion, so doesn't distribute the "pildora del día despues"
• Hugo Alberto O L (Puente Alto): I live in the same city of Mayor Manuel Jose Ossandon. He make a full improvements in Puente Alto: the city now is more safe, Puente Alto Square is more beautiful, he had fought against offenders and discrimination about Puente Alto is a dangerous city. In the other side, in economics terms Puente Alto is more rich, pleople live better, and a lot of people had been lifted out of poverty. Finally, Puente Alto is a city with a diferent political side of Manuel Jose Ossandon, despite that he has obteined the highest votes in Chile two times, because of the good work of Mayor.
• Ricardo S (Puente Alto): Big contributions to parks and plazas, recovering public spaces to honest people.
• Claudio A R (Puente Alto): He is pro-life.
• Jose Maria (Chile): He is the mayor of a very poor city. He had been breaking records of development and his city is now one of the best to live in my country. He also had defended the life of many children stoping the abortion in his city.
Worst: He is really good.
• Rodrigo (Chile): Transforming his district in a better place to live for all the citizens, particularly as he has to administrate a very poor district of Santiago de Chile. An outstanding management,and knowing most of the neighbours' problems, showing always lots of interest on improving Puente Alto.
• Francisca (Puente Alto): One of the mayor´s greatest achievments is to have decreased crimes in the city
• Juan J S (Puente Alto): Improving education, fighting against drugs and delincuency and also, including new policies preventing adolescent pregnancy.
• Felipe B (Puente Alto): He is good at fighting crime in the city/
• Catalina (Chile): Being available for all the citizen,
Thumbs down:
• Oscar (Puente Alto): Mayor Ossandon belongs to "Renovacion Nacional" party (National Renovation), which supported the dictatorship of General Pinochet
• Fernando M G (Chile): His office is a disaster. Documents are sent to the wrong departments and he's never there nor has a special day to hear complaints.
• Cristian S G (Puente Alto): Ocasionally the mayor lets his religious believes govern his actions.
• Carlos J J P (Puente Alto): The mayor's pursues a populist agenda to further his political ambitions.
• Vivian (Puente Alto): There is little safety outside the city center.
• Eduardo B (Puente Alto): Traffic congestion in the centre of the city is getting worse.
• Sebastian (Puente Alto): He isnt a good mayor, he kills shelter dogs of hunger and he has a claim for the same. The dogs were rescued and they had signs of hanging. A man who kills helpless dogs cant be a good human being.
• Alejandro V (Puente Alto): This mayor ordered to killing of homeless dogs without any mercy. Instead of protect them, he takes the easy path of killing them in a very brutal way. It's not the dogs' fault ! The mayor should punish and teach the citizens.
• Catalina V (Chile): He is not a good mayor because he allows the killing of dogs, does not have animal protection policies in his municipality.
ª APS (Chile): The mayor lets his strict religious beliefs influence his political duties.
• Claudia C K (Chile): I moved out of Puente Alto because the Mayor wants to force young women to have babies against their will.
• Espartaco (Puente Alto): The level of crime has been high up because he was eliminated the citizen security system. The level of the public education is very low.
• Alberto I H (Puente Alto): The mistake is he doesnt worry about the environment like i desire (streets dogs, environmental education)
• Manuel SS (Puento Alto): The mayor wants to inflict his own religious views on the town by banning the morning-after pill.
• Felix (Puento Alto): The town is still not very safe.
• Mariana (Puento Alto): The changes made to the city's Central Square.
• Roberto K (Puento Alto): Not wanting to stay for a second term.
• Christian U (Puente Alto): I do not like the mayor's position on the killing of dogs, I think there are other ways of controlling the canine population
• Luis P P (Chile): Mayor Ossandon is a bigot. He is against the morning-after pill and does not believe women should be allowed to choose whether to have a baby or not. There will be more teenage pregnancies because of him!!
• Daniel R T (Puente Alto): The mayor doesn't like gay people.
• Alexa R A (Puente Alto): He is against the morning-after pill
• Maria P (Puente Alto): Supporting the goverment
• Solange L (Puente Alto): The city lacks cultural activities.
• Catalina (Chile): Sometimes his naive personality
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