Stephen Mandel, Mayor of Edmonton

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How good is Stephen Mandel?
Mayor of Edmonto, Canada
City Mayors invites its readers to assess the performance in office of Stephen Mandel, Mayor of Edmonton. Please rate his overall performance by awarding him marks out of ten. '1' signifies an extremely poor performance, while '10' would rate his performance as outstanding. Please also provide details of what in your opinion are the mayor’s best and worst decisions.
Over time, Mayor Monitor will provide a valuable track record of the mayor's successes and failures as well as his popularity among residents and a wider public. The results will be published on the City Mayors website and updated regularly.
Please assess Mayor Mandel not more than once a month. In order to eliminate multiple submissions and/or fraudulent as well as organised rating by political friends and foes of the mayor, all submissions are processed manually and, if deemed questionable, cross-checked. Thank you for participating. How good is Mayor Mandel?
Performance index:
June 2011: 5.88 points out of 10
April 2011: 5.92 points out of 10
January 2011: 5.98 points our of 10
November 2010: 6.00 points out of 10
August 2010: 6.06 points out of 10
July 2010: 6.27 points out of 10
March 2010: 5.69 points out of 10
Thumbs up:
• Dan (Edmonton): Getting LRT construction started again, some issues with it, but we're building and developing a plan that will give us a very good system.
• Wade I (Canada): The growth of the L.R.T system (subway system) and giving each person on city council a file to work on to improve the city i.e crime, homelessness.
• A G B (Edmonton): Envisioning a long term plan, now in progress, to developing a much more comprehensive transportation system, including
many extensions of the LRT (light rapid transit) public transportation system, for the growth and growing needs of Edmonton. He has committed approximately $1 billion towards this overall plan. Recession in the economy has not deterred his commitment to these developments.
• Graham L, Edmonton: The amount of work on the cities infrastructure is phenomenol. It seemed in the early 2000's that Edmonton was on "pause" when it came to infrastructure and city spending on things that actually benefit Edmontonians. Lately we are seeing our freeways widened and repaved, our light rail transit system is finally reaching parts of the city that it needs to, and there are plans being made to ensure every corner of the city is connected by the train system. Downtown Edmonton has seen a jump in population and has record low vacancy rates. Although this cant all be attributed to Mayor Mandel, I believe he has been a driving force behind what we are seeing in the city.
• Anthony M O, Edmonton: Promoting Edmonton as "Canada's Festival City", and finally making the decision to move forward on Transit expansion, rather than building more roads. He has also championed many diversity and socially progressive causes that previous Edmonton mayors have been reluctant to.
• Anon, Edmonton: Tried to get rid of homelessness
Thumbs down:
• Alan B (Edmonton): Chasing after "the next big thing" to quote: revitalize downtown. E.G. Arena District; closing the airport; moving the Provincial Museum, etc.
• JPR (Edmonton): Mayor Mandel is not interested in consulting with the public. I am suspicious that he will be personally benefiting from the development of the airport lands, arena and/or LRT TOD developments. I do not trust him at all.
• Anon (Edmonton): 1. Taking advantage of raising housing assesment during the very short live boon time but not dropping them when house prices plumetted. Our taxes have continued to substancially increased every year since then.
2. For a mayor who gives lip service to pulic imput and the democratic process gave us a more accurate picture of how he works when he did every thing in his power to not allow the people of Edmonton the right to vote on the air port closure. He clearly demonstrated his lack of public respect. He lost my respect as a person and mayor.
3. Mandel was a former developer and when he was accused of favoring the devlopment of City Airport land he did a Brian Mulroney thing ( air bus) and sued the reporter brought this to light.
• Dan (Edmonton): Public relations. Seems people don't feel consulted enough, while a citizen who wishes to be informed can do so, those that don't pay attention end up causing ruckus. More consultation with public that's perhaps visible.
• David BB (Edmonton): Getting re-elected!
• Concerned citizen (Edmonton): The 23 Avenue interchange fiasco. Selling EPCOR without consulting the citizens. Closing the municipal airport without consulting the citizens.
• Maurice S S (Canada): The worst mistake would be getting rid of the municipal airport. #1 reason-where would air ambulance park? #2 importance of different flights that comes to the city. #3 different organizations use the hangers that is very important to the people here in the city. if people do not like the noise build a sound wall around the airport that cuts the noise down. the people want air ambulance to stay in Edmonton near the hospitals. come on mayor you never did apologize to the lady who had a lamp post land on top of her car. wake up get with it and take accountability for your mistakes. #4you don,t even use your head you go by impulse and just to add another one the Anthony henday highway,you forgot the overpass on the south side of the city.
• Bob D (Edmonton): Vote to close the Edmonton City Center Airport. The city population voted by means of a plebescite to keep it open 15 years ago. The city's own statistics indicate the airport produces $388 million in economic activity, pays $18 million annually in taxes and employs directly and indirectly 2,300 people. The most damning issue however, is the report on the medevac system which annually routes more than 4,000 hospital patients, approximately 400 of which are critical care emergencies, to city hospitals. The doctors from all the major institutions were unanimous in condemning this decision saying the increased travel times will result in avoidable deaths and permanent disability such as amputation and brain damage. The mayor wants to sell the land and build a 30,000 person community on the site, a density of 15,000 people per square kilometre which, if it was a city, would rank it as the 8th most dense population center on earth. The infrastructure needs will be comparable to Manhattan Island, but the airport currently resides in an industrial area with few services of any kind.
• Dan (Edmonton): For shutting down the city center airport. Short sighted and a land developer at heart, mandel will never change his mind. He completely ignores the dying 95st and 103ave area and instead decides to mow down the only really unique and beautiful thing about Edmonton. Constantly stepping on the little guy and ignoring real problems. Good job Steve!
• A G B (Edmonton): I feel Stephen Mandel's bold visions for Edmonton sometimes leave out the little guy. The continuing proposal for a massive downtown sports complex that he seems to support will be expensive to develop and in the long run, not affordable to a great many of Edmonton's citizens. This has not yet gone ahead but in a city of sports lovers, it will probably will get a green light.
• Tim (Emonton): As is commonly known, Stephen Mandel is a 'development' mayor. He represents the interests of corporate developers primarily, and all other stakeholders (most notably citizens of Edmonton) secondarily.
• dbez (Canada): He could acheive a 10 out of 10 if he only listened more...
• Anthony M O, Edmonton: Increasing residential and business taxes more than needed during the "boom" times.
• Graham L, Edmonton: Unfortunately Edmonton is stuck in a beaurocratic nightmare. It takes years for the red tape to be cut which means that projects are not being done when they are needed. Mayor Mandel recently addressed this issue in his State of the City address and he does plan to eliminate this issue but it needs to be done faster. Also, the train system needs to reach the west end IMMEDIATELY. (but that is a biased statement since I live in West Edmonton.)
• Anon, Edmonton: -Using political power to divert LRT away from his own neighbourhood
-Initiating lawsuit against Sherwood Park development to protect his own trailer park investment
-Potential river valley development scheme
-Being bias toward Port Alberta and using his political agenda to push the concept through without proper discussion and anaylsis
-Proposing the elimination of the downtown airport for a undisclosed or perhaps non-existant future development
-Suggesting banning knives
-Building a skateboard park downtown to get skateboarders away from city hall
-Spending excess monies on website development and unnecessary consultants
-Inability to attract head offices/businesses to Edmonton despite a provincial boom during his years in office.
How good is Mayor Stephen Mandel?
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