Boris Johnson, Mayor of London

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How good is Mayor Boris Johnson?
Mayor of London, UK
City Mayors invites its readers to assess the performance in office of Boris Johnson, Mayor of London. Please rate his overall performance by awarding him marks out of ten. '1' signifies an extremely poor performance, while '10' would rate his performance as outstanding. Please also provide details of what in your opinion are the mayor’s best and worst decisions.
Over time, Mayor Monitor will provide a valuable track record of the mayor's successes and failures as well as his popularity among residents and a wider public. The results will be published on the City Mayors website and updated regularly.
Please assess Mayor Johnson not more than once a month. In order to eliminate multiple submissions and/or fraudulent as well as organised rating by political friends and foes of the mayor, all submissions are processed manually and, if deemed questionable, cross-checked. Thank you for participating. How good is Mayor Boris Johnson? You decide!
Performance index:
June 2011: 6.00 points out of 10
April 2011: 5.91 points out of 10
January 2011: 6.03 points out of 10
November 2010: 5.95 out of 10
August 2010: 5.89 points out of 10
June 2010: 5.50 points out of 10
May 2010: 5.44 points out of 10
April 2010: 5.40 points out of 10
March 2010: 5.36 points out of 10
February 2010: 5.33 points out of 10
January 2010: 5.28 points out of 10
December 2009: 5.01 points out of 10
November 2009: 5.17 points out of 10
October 2009: 5.09 points out of 10
July 2009: 5.23 points out of 10
June 2009: 5.00 points out of 10
April 2009: 5.32 points out of 10
January 2009: 5.69 points out of 10
Thumbs up for:
• Terry (London): The bikes for hire scheme is the best thing Boris has done since he replaced Ken. Can't think of anything else the mayor has done.
• Edwina NW3 (London): While Mayor Johnson has not started any major new project in London, his small imporvements are making the city more liveable. I have not used the public bicycles but they seem to have caught on.
• Chris D (NYC): I just love the 'Boris bikes'!!
• Jose K (London): Thank you Mayor Johnson for speaking up for the hard-working immigrant community of London.
• Cecil C C (London): The London mayor had the courage to say that the city needs immigrants and that long term illegal ones should be granted an amnesty. Cameron, his party leader, has acted cowardly.
• Louise Sarah (London): I hope the Mayor wont mess up his rent-a-bike scheme.
• David J (London): Improving policing.
• W P (London): The supercycle ways have got me and many others out of cars onto bikes...and banning alcohol on tube.
• Simonk133 (London): The only substantive achievements of his tenure have been those projects inherited from his predecessor which have now been completed.
• T F (UK): The "Open London" scheme - brilliant idea. You can walk into any participating store (Sainsbury's, John Lewis, Tesco, Marks & Spencer and many others) to use their toilet. Didn't cost a penny and is very useful for men beyond a certain age who have to spend a penny more often than in younger years.
• Jamie F (London): The London Cycle initiative. He is trying to make London a considerably greener place.
• Lizzie W (London): Keeping a low profile - there's nothing good I can think of that he's done that Ken wouldn't have, but at least he hasn't made a complete idiot of himself.
• Gary T (London): Cutting costs
• REK, London: Sacking Sir Ian Blair
• John F, London: Installing super cycleways
• Martin J, London: Very few to choose from! Scrapping bendy buses as they don't suit London for many reasons - however they will probably be around for a long time to come.
• Alex F, Outside London: Stopping the socialist excesses of the Livingstone era. A brilliant mayor.
• Londonguy (London): Keeping a low profile and not saying anything that detracts from the gravity of the office. Keeping cut-rate busses for the poor despite saying earlier he would get rid of them.
* Kip: (London): Banning alcohol on the subway system
• Londoner (London): I don't know whether he has actually made many decisions. He has some pretty ladies in various offices I suppose.
• Mark W (London): To emply more police.
• Vinud Kumar S (from outside UK): He has handled every thing coolly and with grace. His patience is superb in making crucial dicisions.
• Amanda B (London): Prohibiting alcohol on public transport.
• Nicky W: Getting rid of bendy buses and his side kick the deputy mayor.
• Brian: Reviewing the costly decisions of the previous mayor.
• LH: Retaining the Low Emmissions Zone.
• Anon: I thought his idea for bringing some of London's hidden rivers to the surface was interesting, but I doubt it will happen.
• None so far. Possibly too early to tell but should have seen more happening than we have done. I get the feeling he's working on the principle that no news is good news and keeping his head down but thats not working.
• Anon: Banning alcohol on public transport.
• Anon: Has he made any other than the stagey banning of alcohol on public transport?
• Anon: To investigate the LDA and its funding decisions.
• Anon: Introducing an alcohol ban on the underground transport network. It was a good idea but one that was looked at by the previous mayor Ken Livingston who would have implemented the ban over a period of time.
Thumbs down for:
• Paul, Jonathon, Leslie (London): The London mayor shouldn't have wasted millions on a new bus. The money could have been spent on repairing the built infrastructure of the capital.
• Jon (London): He has singularly failed to achieve anything useful since he's been in office, although he has claimed responsibility for the success of some of the previous mayor's plans.
• Patel (London): Public bikes: the bikes are good, the procedure stinks.
• HG (London): Boris Johnson has completely botched his cycle hire scheme, it is still in chaos, more than a month after it started.
• Hussain (London): If Boris is seriously contemplating a second term he will have to start developing a vision for London. What will there be post Olympics?
• Daniel C C (London): I just wish the mayor would take as much interest in the Tube as he does in bicycles. Bikes are and will a small-minority activity.
• Jason J (London): Mayor Johnson should be grateful for Ken Livingston's legacy not trying to destroy it.
• David J (London): Cancelling the western congestion charging zone.
• Routemaster (London): Not vetting any of the high-profile advisers he employed.
• Simonk133 (London): Where do I start? Wasting money on replacing nearly-new articulated buses; forfeiting revenue by abandoning the western extension of the congestion charge; extortionate increases in public transport fares which hit the poorest hardest; rephasing traffic lights to make life more dangerous for pedestrians; abandoning affordable housing targets; obsession with marginal issues like electric cars and river travel; complete absence of strategic vision for the capital. That'll do for now.
• Paul (London): Refusal to fund river crossings east of Tower Bridge while trying to promote funding for yet another bridge in Central London right between two existing crossings. Perhaps if he came out to Docklands and then tried to get his bike across the Thames he might appreciate the problem a bit more.
• Jamie F (London): Too many YouTube videos!
• Lizzie W (London): Cancelling the Western extension of the Congestion Charge.
• Gary T (London): Not being tough enough with Tube strikers.
• Nick L, London: Cutting spending: e.g. Scrapping vital public transport projects/infrastructure. Poor environmental record: scrapping congestion charging/low emission zone. Poor record on public transport (very pro motorist): scrapping bendy buses, increasing fares, scrapping more hybrid buses, motorcycles in bus lanes.
PL, London: Reversing the west london zone extension, stopping the north/south tram link which would have improved public transport facilities.
• Leon, London: Sacking the chief of the metropolitan police - a role he has no statutory powers over. He did this despite promising to roll back the influence of the office built up under his predecessor
• Martin J, London: He tries to portray himself as caring about the environment, however I see this as completely deceitful. He provides very small amounts of money for tree planting and parks but the associated PR completely exaggerates the impact. However he abandons the western extension of the congestion charge, halts the progress of the low emission zone, scraps pedestrian improvements to Parliament Square, holds up pedestrian improvements to Elephant & Castle, etc, etc - car is king as far as he's concerned. London's going backwards at the moment.
• S Wallace (London): Bikes NOT having to stop at red lights - they dont anyway. I, as a pedestrian, have been involved in two near misses. Not a good idea, in fact rules for cyclists should be tightened up on.
• Londonguy (London): Not supporting for anti-racism at a time of growing organised racism in London, the most global of cities. Not advertising the extension of the cut-rate buses for people on low income.
Mayor Johnson seems to have no clear plan how London can both benefit from the global changes we are living through nor how to influence them.
• Londoner (London): Scrapping the increases to the congestion charge, failing to extend it as planned and penalise the overuse of large vehicles.
• Clapham guy (London): Did Boris actually say "it was the wrong kind of snow"?
• Helen R M (London): Under Mayor Johnson, London seems to be totally un-prepared for any natural desaster.
* Kip: (London): Hiring several questionable advisers and leaving open the question of whether anyone is in charge.
* Keith S (Hammersmith): The London mayor totally failed the city on 'White Monday'
• Mark W (London): To re-design the Iconic Routemaster bus. Everyone loves it so why design a new modern version ? Would San Francisco do away with the old trams ? Ofcourse not ! They could easily design a new modern engine for the exisiting routemaster and copy the same design for the bus for new versions. They could modify the old design for modern alterations such as better drivers cab or ramps.
• Paul S (outside London): Dropping plans for the congestion charge western extension.
• Nick D (London): Reversing congestion charge increase for 4x4s. Poorly executed public transport alcohol ban. Several resignations after only 2 months. Wastefully reintroducing outdated routemasters.
• Amanda B (London): The London Transport service,help for single parents also transport and help for children with disabilities. My daughter started secondary school friday and has not once been able to get a bus to school due to none running at that time of the morning yet we are supposed to leave the car at home? I am in training to get a better job as a lone parent, my discount bu pass was stopped how am i supposed to afford to travel to and from my training course and voluntary placement? My son is autistic got forced out of a school with additional help into mainstream school then got bullied 3 times and broke his arm all in the space of 6mths, I had to go to the Autistic Society and legal aid for help to fight to get him the help he needs with regards to speech and language therapy and occupational therapy, with the help of a tribunal i won he received help for a year it's now stopped again. Why is there not enough support in schools for our children with special needs to try to lead a normal life?
• Mike L (London): Rejecting the parliament square pedestrianisation plan
• Patricia NW3: Mayor Johnson, how many deputy mayors does it take to run London?
• Nicky W: We were extremely disappointed when Mayor Johnson decided to keep congestion charges for all. My husband works within the congestion charge area and has bad arthritis in his knees, so finds it difficult to walk distances. We were delighted when Ken Livinstone said congestion charges for low emission cars would be zero from (originally February 2008) then October 2008 only to find the person we voted for scrapped the plans. My husband can't claim 'invalidity pension' because he's bad, but not that bad; he wants to continue working - he has a parking place at work - but we are still forced to pay the £8.00 a day congestion charge - and for what???? It hasn't cut down the number of cars going into the capital; it hasn't increased the numbers using the unreliable public transport systems; it hasn't been used to improve the state of the road - so where does our money go too?
• Velo: Why did he give £400,000 to Porsche?
• LH: Reducing bus capacity by phasing out bendy buses.
• Aaron: The 'half-baked' alcohol ban on tube, bus and DLR... it doesn't work, unless promoting more violence is making the public's journey more pleasent.
• Calling the press conference for Ray Lewis to deny the sex and financial misconduct allegations. Appointing the guy without doing deep background checks on him was naive. Announcing the press conference without finding out what the full allegations were and most importantly who was making them was pure incompetence.
• Anon: His plan to reintroduce the Routemaster double decker bus with open platform at the rear. The is regressive thinking, the buses were phased out because they were unsafe. People fell off them regularly, I personally know two people who fell onto the road from the rear platforms of this bus. Iconic
• Anon: So many to choose from! Slashing cheap travel for those on income support, removing the anti-racism messge from the RISE festival.
• Anon: To appoint paid advisors without any openness or transparency and to mis-use the term Deputy Mayor to further confuse their roles, legitimacy and accountability.but a health hazard!
• Anon: Reversing decision on Thames Water desalination plant. Delegating decision making to unelected individuals. Failing to engage with journalists and councillors.
• Anon: Where to start! I guess taking the anti-racism aspect away from the RISE festival. You're either against racism or you're part of the problem.
It will be a decision that will come back to haunt him every time there is any kind of race issue in the future.
• Anon: Not taking an interest in political and policy details.
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