Luke Ravenstahl, Mayor of Pittsburgh

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How good is Luke Ravenstahl?
Mayor of Pittsburgh, USA
City Mayors invites its readers to assess the performance in office of Luke Ravenstahl, Mayor of Pittsburgh. Please rate his overall performance by awarding him marks out of ten. '1' signifies an extremely poor performance, while '10' would rate his performance as outstanding. Please also provide details of what in your opinion are the mayor’s best and worst decisions.
Over time, Mayor Monitor will provide a valuable track record of the mayor's successes and failures as well as his popularity among residents and a wider public. The results will be published on the City Mayors website and updated regularly.
Please assess Mayor Ravenstahl not more than once a month. In order to eliminate multiple submissions and/or fraudulent as well as organised rating by political friends and foes of the mayor, all submissions are processed manually and, if deemed questionable, cross-checked. Thank you for participating. How good is Mayor Ravenstahl?
Performance index:
April 2011: 3.49 points out of 10
June 2010: 3.29 points out of 10
March 2010: 3.21 points out of 10
Thumbs up:
• Dom (Pittsburgh): Maintaining the budget and working to correct the pension fund.
• JLF (Pittsburgh): Appointing Isobel Storch to his Ethics commission.
• Len (Pittsburgh): Running for another term instead of running away.
• John W (Pittsburgh): His expertise, and input into the current Pittsburgh Promise program, which will help a great number of our youth including my son, go to college, with finacial aid, in terms of thousands of dollars over a 4 year educational period, in a top ranked school,in the state of Pennsylvania.
Thumbs down:
• KXM (Pittsburgh): The attempted tuition tax was pretty outstandingly stupid--not only did it kick up a TON of ill-will, it sent a really negative message to the young people currently residing in our City AND even if it had succeeded, it would have been challenged legally, so, in addition to being out $15M, we'd also be out the court costs we would lose trying to fight the challenge.
Using a Dept. of Homeland security vehicle like it was his mommy's Buick was pretty lame, as his his generally flip attitude toward those who expect him to act like a grown-up and a public figure who is accountable to the public.
His current total lack of leadership while the City ground to a frozen halt during Snowmageddon will hopefully haunt him right out of office. While the roads in the city were so bad that emergency services couldn't function in some instances, the suburban municipalities were clear within a few days. As much as I enjoyed my days off from work due to the road conditions, it was a huge embarrassment to the City.
If he succeeds in selling the parking garages, that will likely go down on the books as one of the most stupid things he's done.
• PO (Pittsburgh): There are so many to choose from.. it could be the improper use of a homeland security SUV to go to a Toby Keith concert... it could be the quarter of a million dollars spent on garbage cans with his name on them... it could be his total lack of commitment to his job... it could be how he never gives a straight answer and simply says "it is something we will be looking into in the coming months" or "we are evaluating appropriate courses of action for the future"... either way you spin it he's way under qualified for the job
• Dom (Pittsburgh): Going to the Masters.
• SD (Pittsburgh): Countless, but the greatest is a failure to communicate effectively and clearly with lower levels of government, council, the public and the media. Repeatedly embarasses the city with his childish/immature behavior.
• Little Miss M (Pittsburgh): Clearly, his handling of Snowmageddon in February 2010 is laughable from an optimist's point of view. There is no reason any city neighborhood should look like it suffered some sort of apocalypse over a week after a major snowfall because its mayor was out of town celebrating his 30th birthday. It's even more ridiculous that he should be indignant when people question where he was for almost 24 hours after word broke that he left the city to party at Mardi Gras. Sorry, Boy Wonder, but you're shooting yourself in the foot more times than I can keep count of at this point, and I'm not even going into the fiasco of the county 911 system you promised to change after three of Pittsburgh's finest were killed in the line of duty this past April. Thumbs so down I'm almost ashamed to call myself a Democrat.
• Ralph C (Pittsburgh): The current disaster relative to snow removal and the lack of preparedness and public works planning represents the type of leadership absent
• Sucker (Pittsburgh): To leave his post right before the worst storm of the decade to party at 7 springs, staying in a developer's "chalet" for the weekend was the final straw. I thought a young mayor would engage young Pittsburghers like myself. There has been no reaching out. As a matter of fact, because of this mayor i'm considering for the first time, leaving the city.
• Nicole H (Pittsburgh): Slow response in dealing with the snow storm of 2010
• John (Pittsburgh): Proposing a tax on college students in the city of Pittsburgh. He states that college students do not pay their fair share, and this tax would change that. As a city resident for six years AND a graduate student at Pitt, I would be paying more than my fair share. I will be moving out of the city of Pittsburgh when my lease expires, because I refuse to be taxed because I am completing my education.
• Len (Pittsburgh): I think Mayor Ravenstahl should be more available in the press providing updates perhaps weekly, instead of always being on the defensive of a council member or other candidate who is posturing at the mayor's expense.
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