Hazel McCallion, Mayor of MIssissauga

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How good is Mayor Hazel McCallion?
Mayor of Mississauga, Canada
City Mayors invites its readers to assess the performance in office of Hazel McCallion, Mayor of Mississauga. Please rate her overall performance by awarding her marks out of ten. '1' signifies an extremely poor performance, while '10' would rate her performance as outstanding. Please also provide details of what in your opinion are the mayor’s best and worst decisions.
Over time, Mayor Monitor will provide a valuable track record of the mayor's successes and failures as well as her popularity among residents and a wider public. The results will be published on the City Mayors website and updated regularly.
Please assess Mayor McCallion not more than once a month. In order to eliminate multiple submissions and/or fraudulent as well as organised rating by political friends and foes of the mayor, all submissions are processed manually and, if deemed questionable, cross-checked. Thank you for participating. How good is Mayor Hazel McCallion?
Performance index:
April 2011: 9.19 points out of 10
Janaury 2011: 9.27 points out of 10
November 2010: 9.32 points out of 10
February 2010: 9.29 points our of 10
January 2010: 9.22 points out of 10
December 2009: 9.17 points out of 10
July 2009: 9.09 points out of 10
April 2009: 9.03 points out of 10
January 2009: 8.41 points out of 10
Thumbs up:
• HB Lee (Mississauga): In the past to this day, we can all remember her for keeping the city debt-free, while working to preserve the existing natural properties. She knows how to attract businesses to settle here, which means that I can access to the companies in Mississauga, more easier than any other city/town in GTA (rivalling only Toronto). And for her to be a mayor of Canada's 6th largest city for over 30 years is shockingly awesome! I lived in Mississauga since immigrating in 1998 and so far I am satisfied.
• Fazli M (Mississauga): Words can't describe her achievements and Respectable McCallion don't need to tell what are her achievements but it is known not only in the City of Mississauga but she is known as a person of integrity and as a role model for all. Please forgive me I don't have words to describe her talents and contributions to the city of Mississauga because it wouldn't be fair for a person like me to comments on her great achievements. Your are a great person and my entire family and friends is going to you not only in this election but when ever you wish to stand you will find my family along side you. We will not leave you alone in this race.
• Robert (Mississauga): All I can say is that she is honestly the best mayor I have ever seen.
• Sam (Mississauga): Residents of Mississuga always know where their Mayor stands on all issues. Hazel is always to the point and is not afraid to make her views known. In the last few decades, she's built the sixth largest city in Canada, and now we see her vision for a vibrant and modern city materializing - the city centre is shaping into a modern city core. While doing all that hazel has kept our City debt free, with cash in the bank. many Torontonians wouldn't think a second to have a Mayor like Hazel.
• Islay G (Mississauga): I have been living in Mississauga nearly my entire life. She has been the mayor since before I can remember. It's because of Hazel that we have the marshlands for the local wildlife, and the ten mile creek which keeps flooding under control. Other mayors woudl pave over the area and set up a parking lot to increase tourists but the natural beauty she has preserved attracts more people in my opinion than flashy signs ever will. Mayor Hazel is one of the most wonderful people in the world and I hope she is mayor when i have children and bring them up in the best city in the world. Mississauga wouldn't be Mississauga without Hazel.
• Joe S (Mississauga): Keeping the city debt free
Nicholas W (Missisauga): She's just a tiger and I think she's awesome with what she has done standing up for Mississauga. I can't really imagine this city without her. The improved central part of the city surrounding City Hall and Sq.One is a testiment to a great visionary that wants to build a great city.
• Miz B: I lived in this city for more than 20 yrs, since the late 70's. Her greatest achievement is to balance the budget year after year, while other cities are screaming and scraping for finance.
Thumbs down:
• HB Lee (Mississauga): While having accomplished amazing job maintaining the city in the past, Mississauga needs radical change. As of recently, Hazel is too old and the city is starting to show its flaws (although it has been going downhill slowly earlier). The city is facing increasing number of crimes, lack of tourist attractions that stand out across the country, urban sprawl is insanely terrible and the quality of public transit has gone downhill while cost skyrocketed. In addition Mississauga lacks creativity and an unique city culture that stands apart from the rest, keeping up with the major North American cities.
Mississauga now needs its own unique character, from expanding the local arts and music culture . Mississauga should embrace and be more ambitious about planning public transit more seriously, continue fostering natural and heritage properties, boost tourism and pioneer in urban intensification. Mississauga should also work harder to become more autonomous from rest of the GTA. Large number of our neighbourhoods are homogeneous and do not have charm of what you will find in Toronto neighbourhoods. Right now, our only recognizable attraction known to Canada is Square One!
With some of these suggestions along with the existing improvements, Mississauga can become an effective model that shows its transition from suburb to metropolis.
• M K (Mississauga): Referring to immigrants in a rude manner
• Fereed: The Peel Region seems to be giving preference to family member and friends when hiring new staff. I have been applying for the past two years and had no reply but someone who worked with me in 2009 got hired because he know someone in there. So how fair is that?
• Joe S (Mississauga): Some areas of Mississauga look terrible and something should be done to clean them up and make them more appealing.
• Miz B: I just came back from the East Coast and was very impressed with even the small towns and their tourism. Most of all, every where you go either in a hotel or motel, shopping centers they truly believe in recycling, and the environment, and it doesn't matter where you are and where ever you went the place is so clean, no nasty water bottles or papers and cigarette butts all over the place. The Schools in Mississauga should learn to clean up where they are (ECO conscious) and around them. I am at Hwy 10/Bristol Rd and there is a Catholic high school, one should see the debris from these kids. I am hoping Mississauga would charge a tax on bottles, especially these nasty water bottles that one sees all over the city,( Kids & adults are using the city for their dump) I think that there needs to be some serious finds $$ handed to people who is dumping on the roads and highways.
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