Greg Nickels, Mayor of Seattle

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Rating Greg Nickels
Mayor of Seattle, USA

City Mayors invites its readers to assess the performance in office of Greg Nickels, Mayor of Seattle. Please rate his overall performance by awarding him marks out of ten. '1' signifies an extremely poor performance, while '10' would rate his performance as outstanding. Please also provide details of what in your opinion are the mayor’s best and worst decisions.

Over time, Mayor Monitor will provide a valuable track record of the mayor's successes and failures as well as his popularity among residents and a wider public. The results will be published on the City Mayors website and updated regularly.

Please note that as from January 2010 Greg Nickels is no longer Mayor of Seattle

Performance index:
June 2009: 7.02 out of 10

Thumbs up:
• Ruth B, Seattle: His first known statement was that he would fix potholes on the streets. While I do not wish to imply that this is momentous or that it was carried out consistently, it is the best thing he personally can claim as an achievement.
• Jacque I, Seattle: Mayor Nickels has many good points. His efforts to address racial disparity, climate change and immigrant issues are outstanding.

Thumbs down:
• Joseph K, Seattle: He is an OK mayor but every solution he has is for the government to spend tons of money on projects that never get off the ground. His vision is his and his alone. He seems oblivious to the fact that people are hurting and his futuristic look may be all right but it has no immediacy so Seattle lives with crime, homeless, terrible transportation, decaying intra-structure. He single handily let the Sonic move to Oklahoma. He will be beaten at the next election...he is just too far removed from the people.
• Ruth B, Seattle: The mayors worst mistake has been taking over the city and running it as his personal fiefdom. This has resulted in a huge decline in the livability of my neighborhood. If you are looking for more specifics, the worst mistake was blocking the monorail project, followed by working for developers not for citizens. This meant that the property values in my neighborhood went up, while problems due to increased population of new people went up, while the ability to get around the city was decreased. The new people in my neighborhood introduce change and a lot of it is not positive. Rather than looking at how they could fit into an existing neighborhood- which is more likely to happen in a stable environment- they assume that all neighborhoods are cookie cutter environments. They could be living in Chicago or New Jersey or anywhere. Rather than thinking about reducing their impact, they bring in more cars which creates multiple problems. Since they don't have a history of place to refer to, they tend to vote based on media input and other shallow factors. They are easily controlled by moneyed interests. This all plays well for the mayor but destroys the neighborhoods.
• Jacque I, Seattle: Lack of trust in city emplyees in the beginning of his 1st term.

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