Syed Mustafa Kamal, Mayor of Karachi

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How good is Syed Mustafa Kamal?
Mayor of Karachi, Pakistan*
City Mayors invites its readers to assess the performance in office of Syed Mustafa Kamal, Mayor of Karachi. Please rate his overall performance by awarding him marks out of ten. '1' signifies an extremely poor performance, while '10' would rate his performance as outstanding. Please also provide details of what in your opinion are the mayor’s best and worst decisions.
Update 2010: Syed Mustafa Kamal is currently not mayor of Karachi
Over time, Mayor Monitor will provide a valuable track record of the mayor's successes and failures as well as his popularity among residents and a wider public. The results will be published on the City Mayors website and updated regularly.
Performance index:
June 2010: 9.14 points out of 10
May 2010: 9.10 points out of 10
April 2010: 9.09 points out of 10
March 2010: 9.04 points out of 10
February 2010: 9.02 points out of 10
January 2010: 8.99 points out of 10
December 2009: 8.92 points out of 10
November 2009: 8.98 points out of 10
October 2009: 8.92 points out of 10
August 2009: 8.73 points out of 10
July 2009: 8.81 points out of 10
June 2009: 8.79 points out of 10
* Due to Pakistan's election laws Mustafa Kamal had to step down temporarily from his post until after local elections. His performance index has therefore been suspenmded.
Thumbs up:
• Sonbal (Pakistan): Karachi cannot be compared with any other city chosen for this competition, its the city which have struck by sceterian violence, religious violence and number of strikes in a month. Its the city which feeds almost 20 million people and among those 20 million approx. 5 million are Afghan migrants who were offered asylum during the Afghan Soviet war is one of is kind, and to manage this multicultural, and multi ethnic city is truly an amazing job. Not even this after being nominated for this award people in rest of country still won't support Mayor Kamal because he is the only person who have given back to he people of Karachi rather than sucking he blood of the people.
• Fawad: His biggest achievement is that he taught the youth of Karachi to love their city and to OWN it.
• Zubaida: Kamal is committed to lifting the disregarded people of Karachi from their urban squalor, which is why he constructed a water pipeline to Lyari, providing the residents with a direct water supply for the first time ever. Despite this, he is still haunted by the image of people taking to the streets with buckets and pots demanding water in the scorching heat. Though this had become a cruelly regular feature for the last five decades, their cries had fallen on deaf ears. Though Lyari is not an MQM stronghold, Mustafa Kamal made providing access to safe drinking water a top priority. The help and assistance extended to the citizens of Karachi irrespective of their political affiliations has won the hearts of the people and made Mustafa Kamal a hero.
• Irum Z (Karachi): The best of his many achievements was to deal with unexpected heavy rains in Karachi. The most favorite act is that he can easily be seen on the spot no matter it is raining or building a bridge, if there is something important in the city there is Mustafa Kamal. And he knows how to deal with people he knows how to talk, to decide and to act. He deserves appreciation.
• Aly (Pakistan): The establishment of 100-bed cardiac emergency centres in Shah Faisal and Landhi towns, and a 50-bed maternity home and a mortuary in Landhi Town, The projects were completed by the City District Government Karachi at a cost of Rs 1 billion.He set an example of public service.
• FaIan S F: Well in my opinion Mr Kamal has so many good thing during his period. He reduced the traffic problem in karachi to about 70%, he introduce high quality drainage system which is not available in any city of karachi till now..live support sytem i-e u can call him and tell your problem and a nice action is taken over that...Reduced crime...increase job vacancy by introducing now field in business ..etc etc. I think his mistake is that he is the mayor of a city which is in Pakistan...I think if he belong to other country other than Pakistan where he has a proper support of fedral government then I think he can do far better that....just my opinion
• Shahbaz M (Karachi): Mustafa Kamal is the world best Mayor bcoause he developed old karachi in limited time.it's a maricle.He is very honest hard worker and humbel person.He loves human being.He belongs to a middle class family and want to change our dirty political system.we hope,we will get rid of feudles and their system in pakisn as soon as early.We pray for Altaf honourable Hussain's long life who choosen him to work hard for beterment and development of Karachi.Mustafa Kamal is the worker of honourable Altaf Hussain who is the great leader in pakistan.honourable Altaf Hussain is also belongs to a middle class family.honourable Altaf Hussain is king maker.honourable Altaf Hussain is very humble personality and i love him very much.
• Aadi (Outside Pakistan): hi i live in usa i went to pakistan karachi last year i was very serprice to see karachi is totly chang what a great job this mayor did i was to happy to see my city its so beautiful all orgnice there is no problam any where i karachi i wish all apkistan have mayor like mustafa kamal god bless you sir
• Syed AAJ (Karachi): He launched 'I Own Karachi' project which is the best of its kinds, by this, every citizen have the right to prevent any untoward situation by involving him in the situation. While another aspect of I OWN KARACHI is, citizen themself takes keen interest in making things and property of Karachi protected.
• Zakir (Karachi): What he have done for the city is just awesome and i personally appriciate the signal free corridor 1,2 and 3 and very soon we will have another signal free corridor, i think these sort of projects were desperatley needed before due to the traffic jams and now thanks to our Mustafa Kamal this traffic problem is solved and i can surley say that is the mayor's greatest achievement.
• Sameera S (Karachi): Command and control system is his greatest achievement because i think we never had this sort of facility before but now we can easily gain access to the city and we can easily check that what is exactly happening in any specific area this project is going to help in stopping street crimes and i guess crime rate will also be decreased so i think that is the best project by Mayor.
• Faizu (Karachi): Well in my experience i haven't seen any politician working so hard for their citizens as Mustafa Kamal do. He is always ready to serve his people( the citizens of pakistan) For me and i guess every1 he is the real hero. Hero of our Nation..
• Zaheer B (Outside Pakistan): I have recently visited Karachi after few years. Kamal has completed changed the city.
• Razzak (Outside Pakistan): Karachi needs the Mayor back as this is the first time in history any Mayor has resolved so many problems of the common citizens, everyone misses him and when I was talking to my mother who is 74 years old, she told me that they feel like orphans since Mayor Kamal has stepped down and the administrator has taken over. She told me that if she is alive then she will go an dvote for the first time in her life for the Mayor's party.Tears rolled down my eyes as this man is so great that people can't help but love him.
• Sameera K (Karachi): His greatest achievement is the wireless Video Security Surveillance project as it is helping to improve da security of citizens.It is helping to control the street crimes more and more... and its creating sort of a secure and safe environment 4 citizens.
• Salman A (Karachi): I really like the concept of "I own Karachi" for me it is the mayors greatest achivement. it is actually helping to create a frendly envirnment as citizens are more intracting with each other by volunteering to take part in dif activities like the one that was on 14th of march at nipa signal and adjoining roads.It was basically the cleaning and colouring the walls and green belt.
• M Hasan (Karachi): During his time of serving Karachi as a mayor, he completed 35 flyovers and underpasses, 356 parks, 194 water and sanitation projects, 316 major and supplementary roads, 451 educational projects. As many as 110 projects were completed in rural areas, in the transport infrastructure 255 bus stops and 116 pedestrian bridges and a big car parking plaza were completed.
• Zeeshan Q (Karachi): His ideas like "I Own Karachi" drive were instrumental in kindling ownership and responsibility among the denizens of Karachi.
• Muhammad M A (Karachi): The greatest achievemnt of the mayor is that he has injected a new hope to the citizens of Karachi. The infrastructure improvements have not only made life easy but has also reduces the travel time. The beautification of the city with new parks and gardens have also helped in overcoming the stresses of daily life
• Abdul R (Karachi): I like the mayor's vision for the Karachi. He is really a visionary person who loves to work hard and want to develop the city.
• Nabeel Bari (Karachi): Mayor Mustafa Kamal's greatest attribute is turning challenges into opportunities. He always finds ways to bring the citizens together and his recent work on the youths is just awesome. In the past few months he developed so many sports stadium so that youth can participate in sports and stay busy. His aanouncemen of Karchi cricket league has been of great inspiration.
• Ahmed (Karachi): Well the most important thing in my consideration is the Hospital made and run under city govt, prior to that there was only one cardiac center in karachi where people use to go in case of any cardiac issue.
I felt the importance of this new hospital when my father suffered with heart problem, very good condition of beds and other required for treatment of a patient.
To me this is his major achievement.
• Hunaira S (Karachi): Every day we hear a news of developments from Mayor Kamal ,but what he did now for his citizens is awesome as for the 1st time in the history of karachi he started a Cricket matches in the cricket groundsthat he has provided for the boys.For some ppl it may be an ordinary news but there is a big reason behind this as now a days the unemployment & street crimes in karachi increased a lot also the ppl especially BOys who are not very educated and not even technically good faced this problem alot and some how this indulge them to commit crimes in the city, in order to give them a path where they can show their ability & talent and can give a GOOD name to PAKISTAN CRICKET Mayor Kamal started the matches in which the 18 towns team are playing.Mayor Kamal will give 10 million to the winning team and 5 million to 2nd team.This amount have made a record cause PCB never gave the amount more than 10 lacks.
• Dr M H (Outside Pakistan): He is the most sincere Nazim in all of Karachi's history, He developed the city on international standard, we can say that he is able to do more for Karachi and Pakistan.
• Faisal Y (Karachi): Energetic, visionary and charismatic leader. He started and completed over 2500 project including 50 approx mega project for the city in short span of 4 years. For the first time he made people own the city and play their role in city building and maintining.
• Waqas Hussain S (Outside Pakistan): Servillance camera system, Online complaint system, Green Bus service and signal free corridores.
• Aamir R (Outside Pakistan): Well there are lot of decision and achievements of Mayor Kamal. From his work on social sector where he has partnered with Drug Free NGO's in Karachi and given them full support.Development work in the city to Rural development. Lately,after the bomb blast in karachi and the arson of the wholesale market of Karchi, Mayor Kamal played a pivotal role by asking all the contractors that has worked on city projects to build these businesses for no cost so that these traders can start their work, Most of these traders had lost their life savings in the fire and tears were seen in their eyes after the Mayors gesture. The contractors were also humbled and very willingly gave their consent. One thing we all have to appreciate about the Mayor that he has gone out of his way and done things which does not even fall under his jurisdiction to help the citizens of Karachi. His out of box thinking and resolving issues are one of his best accumen.
• Humaira S (Karachi): I appreciate the work done by Mayor Kamal in BOLTON MARKET.The blast occured on 28th of dec 2009, Federal & Provincial Govt.came and commit to help those people who had lots of damages but no one came back.
On 2nd jan 2010 Mayor Kamal called all his bussiness associates and asked them to work FREE in BOLTON MARKET.
No one had done this work and infact Mayor Kamal did his work of estabilishing the shops and had already handed over keys of renovated shops to owners.Still the Federal & Provincial Govt. are thinking to call the commitee in order to make some decission for the Bolton Market.
To me he is HERO of the Nation and we love him for his efforts for his citizens.
• Saqib (Outside Pakistan): He is very hard working, honest and pragmatic.. have done lots of developmental works all around the city, including those neighboring villages and poor localities where people were suffering from the basic amenities of life. now even political enemies acknowledges his dedication and hard work for the betterment of the city.
• Hyder Ali K A: (Karachi): Mustafa Kamal was praised by the Supreme Court of Pakistan for his efforts to make Karachi a mega city and to carry out relief operations.
• Muhammad F: Syed Mustafa Kamal now should be the prime minister of Pakistan,He deserve for Pakistan Prime minister, and now he is the world best mayor,
• Syed A K: (Karachi) Mayor Mustafa Kamal has done a lot from constructing roads, laying insfratructure, health facilities etc. What most people don't understand that in Karachi it is very difficult to get even th basic done as the city was in a mess before he took over an din just 4 years he has changed Karachi. He is easily accessible and you can even lodge a complain on 1339 for any issues. He even got a ISO 9001 certificate for Transparency in his dept. I cannot say enough about this guy except that Karachi is lucky to have him and so is Pakistan
• Farina B (Outside Pakistan): Mayor Syed Musatafa Kamal is a historic personality of Pakistan!!! He did excellent work for Karachi city!!!
• Syed M H (Karachi): He has done a great job tattracting foriegn Investment.
• Shaharyar K K (Pakistan): He fixed the traffic hazards of Karachi by constructing new roads, under passes and and great number of over head bridges. He enlightened Karachi through his work and proved the son of Karachi...
• Humira S (Karachi): Providing the city of its own 1st time command and control system to monitor the city and a step to protect the city from the terrorism.
• Ismail (Karachi): Every citizen of Karachi wants Mustafa Kamal to become our President or Prime minister
• SA76 (Karachi): Excellent command over city government's administrative departments and line departments of Sindh Govt as well as giving detailed work plans to even TMAs (Town Municipal Administrations) all because they are much from MQM (single political party). They have created long chain of work plans and implented all major drafted plans well in time in Karachi.
• Noorulain (Outside Pakistan): Mr, Mustafa Kamal is a very dedicated person and is really fair with his job. whatever he did in few years, never happened in last 60 years. He totally changed the infrastructure of the city. I went to Pakistan a year before after 6 years and I was really happy to see the development in Karachi. I wish that he would be the mayor for the life time and government should have given him more authority. He is never scared of anyone and does what has to be done. way to go Mustafa Kamal. we are so proud of you.
• SA (Outside Pakistan): He has transformed the city into a real modern place. If someone who hasn't seen the city in the past 4 years arrive in the city, I bet they won't be able to recognize most of the city and will be pleasently amazed.
• Sami H (Karachi): The mayor established more than 400 Schools in which children are taught in English Medium School Manner. A technical Training Instiute is also Established at Korangi for creating
skilled professionals for industries.
• Daneyal F (Karachi): The mayor has provided Karachi with a master plan. Before him the port city of Karachi which provides 68% revenue to Pakistan and with a population of 18 million people has no masster plan. He has for the first time provided Karachites with green bus service(CNG) where there is a electronic ticketing system with no conductor inside the bus.
• Sameera M (Karachi): The greatest achievement of him is that he won the zillion of hearts of the people who are the citizens of Pakistan.
• Amit A(Karachi): He is focusing good on improving public transportation. There is good accountability on incoming and out going budget which can be seen listed in the karachi city website.
• Aamir R (outside Pakistan): Mayor Mustafa kamal has done a lot from constructing roads, laying insfratructure, health facilities etc. What most people don't understand that in Karachi it is very difficult to get even th basic done as the city was in a mess before he took over an din just 4 years he has changed Karachi. He is easily accessible and you can even lodge a complain on 1339 for any issues. He even got a ISO 9001 certificate for Transparency in his dept. I cannot say enough about this guy except that Karachi is lucky to have him and so is Pakistan
• Mohammed H (Karachi): Our City Mayor Syed Mustafa Kamal solved one of the biggest problem that was facing by the people of karachi from last 40 years. He made a 7 stories parking plaza in Saddar that is the most conjusted area of Karachi. This is something never happened in any city of Pakistan & this work is most appreciatable.
• Syed T K (Karachi): The mayor's honesty and dedication to the city is great!! I would undoubtedly say that he is the most sincere mayor and politcian of Pakistan!!!
• Rehan F (Karachi): 1. Fetching and implementing the idea of signal free corridors
2. 1st initial step taken in August 2009 of deputing 50 CNG green buses on one of the busiest route to the downtown.
3. Setting of command and control system for key areas of cosmopolitan city
4. Developing the city's master plan.
5. Developing the project of "I Own Karachi" which is a unique idea of creating awareness in people that the city in which they live belongs to them and that they are responsible for its growth, cleanliness and developement.
6. Development of Karachi development fund, in which every one can contribute from Rs. 10 to Rs. 100,000,000.
• Saadia A (Pakistan): The major and most important issue of "traffic" was addresed by Mr. Kamal by introducing signal free corridores for the smooth flow of traffic. The biggest city of Pakistan was without any sewerage lines/system. This was also addresed by the City Mayor, althougt few places are still without these lines. He is a man with a mission, he knows what he wants to do and how he is going to do it in his limited financial resources. A true leader who knows how to make a difference. Good looks are always welcome.
• Saher N (Karachi): The mayor has changed Karachi City for good completely. He has done what one could only dream of for past 60 years almost. All of his projects were a success, his ideas and stategies were unbelievable. I've never seen anyone as hardworking and dedicated as him. Hats off to him!
• Noman A (Karachi): He is an intelligent person and a very inspiring leader.The people of karachi love his. he's very popular here. He has done more in the past few years than all the previous mayors put together in the past 60 years.
• Wajih U R (Karachi): He introduce the concept of Signal Free Traffic Corridor to overcome ever increasing traffic in Karachi. This , not only provided smooth flow to commuters but also have help reducing envirnmental pollution. Project to provide Clean drinking water was started and new water pipe line was laid with billions of Rupees. This, though , have not solved the problem but at least someone is working on it.
• Muhammad F (Outside Pakistan): He is very hard working, honest and pragmatic.. have done lots of developmental works all around the city, including those neighbouring villages and poor localities where people werre suffering from the basic amenities of life. now even political enemies acknoledges his dedication and hard work for the betterment of the city.
• Ghulam M (Karachi): Changed the face of Karachi. Karachi was paralyzed with shortage of water and transportation. Both were solved and he is trying to sell Karachi as a city of peace.
• Noman S (Karachi): He has changed the entire infrastrucute of the city.
• Amir A, Karachi: Having clear vision about development of city without discrimination
• Syed Usman S, Karachi: The International Standardization Organization (ISO) Geneva has granted ISO certification 9001 to City Government Karachi for providing best services to its citizens. Mustafa Kamal was praised by the Supreme Court of Pakistan for his efforts to make Karachi a mega city and to carry out relief operations.
• Irum, Karachi: Mustafa Kamal has done so much for our city. He resolved out the traffic and other problems due to unexpected heavy rains in Karachi within 24 hours, (before him always just for normal rains there was water on the main streets blocking traffic and harming vehicles for many days, and they said because of so many vehicles and busy roads of so big city they could not solve it properly. Built bridges, underpasses, flyovers, changed the whole infrastructure in short span of time, never happened like that before, there were so many problems due to roads system, hours ride from one place to another, other government people start the projects and take years to complete only for one project, and he did so many in one year simultaneously and no traffic problem due to construction, excellent planning and management.
• Murtaza M, Karachi: The mayor has Improved the standard of sewerage and water lines and extended the roads and made signal free corridors including new bridges and underpasses allowing the distance covered in hours into minutes and all of these were done in short period of time.
Thumbs down:
• Omar S (Karachi): Karachi is still a big slum, all flyovers which he has created now create problem for low lying areas because they were not built with proper drainage.He has wasted money left and right by not dealing with the core problems. karachi lacks in basic infrastructure. Building a parking plaza or a park does not solve anything.
• Sajid (Outside Pakistan): This is your big mistake that you gives the jobs your MQM workers or urdu speaking persons. i born in karachi and i m well educated and now i m doing job in london but i couldn't get well job over then Rs=5500 that's why i left the karachi and i came in london. this is your big mistake and come out from only MQM or urdu speaking complexion and feel that we are every body pakistani. don't give the jobs to only MQM workers.
• Karim (Karachi): He can be extremely rude when challenged.
• Muhammed A: (Karachi): I belive that mayer of karchi(MQM) is one of the foolish person in Karachi. His attitude among differnt side completely saying that he is wrost personality. He is not doing any psoitive work.
• Shoaib H (Karachi): He had not conpletely worked regarding the encroachments in karachi. Alot of encroachers in karachi where they grab areas and create problems for the whole peoples in karachi.
• Imran (Karachi): Converted roads inside cities into highways. Daily 2-3 peoples are killed in his so called signal free coredoors. Put lot of new taxes on karachi cities which are not exits before.
• Kamran (Karachi): His trust of opponent PPP government who from 70's are just enemy of Karachites
• Hassan A S (Karachi): Kamal should detached himself from MQM leader Altaf and should take over the command.
• Syeda H (Karachi): He didnt give 1st order preference to the inter-city railway plan.
• Zeeshan Q (Karachi): He couldn't control Land Mafia.
• Ahmed C C (Karachi): The Sindh government and the Mayor Kamal are unable to stop the terrorist attacks which are spreading from the north.
• Muhammad M A (Karachi): A major mistake is that no new library has been established
• Shoaib A (Karachi): Mayor Kamal has not placed any strick rule for heavy veihcle to enter in the city after 11:00 P.M.
• Muhammad Y (Karachi): The worst mistake/decision is to encroach or occupy land and allotted, like open space of different Garden areas of North Nazimabad, Parks of Block D/C, A, J/I, I personally feel this is the worst decision of our Mayor, the land which was the open place of our kids to play and to make physical/playing activities or the area to walk our old/young citizens to could take morning breath. If anyone can vacate these lands please do soon, thanx
• Masroor R (Karachi): The mayor seeking the patronage of Altaf Hussain as his leader whereas he is much ahead to his so-called leader.
Abdul R (Karachi): The worst mistake of Mayor is that he has lackings in Check & balance framework and he did not improve it. He does not focus on the areas of the people who migrated from outside Karachi. They are also the part of the city.
• Shaukat (Outside Pakistan): He failed to obtain the control of Karachi Police.Karachi needs a highly civilised Police,working directly under the Mayor and this obejective was not achieved.
• Ahmed (Karachi): Parking is still an issue in karachi and city govt needs to make parking plazas in all commercial areas, so far i have seen only one parking plaza which is not sufficient. He needs to make more parking plazas in quick time.
• Syed S H (Karachi): The mayor has not been able to initiate mass transit system on ground
• Muneer (Karachi): The mayor is allowing too many billboards to be put up. They make the city look ugly.
• Hussain (Karachi): The Taliban are strengthening their presence in Karachi. Daily life is becoming more and more dangerous.
• Sohaib (Karachi): Ignorance of mass transport scheme. Though short tempered, but should still pay attention to his behaviour since it can spoil all his achievements. Should pay attention to the corruption in city government's contracts
• Adnan K (Outside Pakistan): Mayor Kamal loses his temper too quickly.
• Abubakar A: (Outside Pakistan): The mayor is allowing too many billboards to be put up. They make the city look ugly.
• Ali SSH: Kamal is neglecting public transport in favor of private cars/
• Naeem S (Karachi): Not taking care of the education system would probably be the worst of the mayor's mistakes.
• ABG (Outside Pakistan): The only thing i would like to add is that Mayor Kamal should do more towards higher education within the city... Either improve the quality of education at existing educational institutions or build more TOP CLASS Universtities and Colleges.... Curretnly we are at 65% literacy rate in Karachi, it should reach at least be 80% in the next 10 years.
That's the only way we could overcome "the current" issues.
• Syed K (Karachi): 1. Bad behavior with people. 2.Dab quality Projects which will not sustain for long. 3. No open communication where citizens can talk about his lackings
• SA76 (Karachi): He need to be sure of all the projects and their implementation in time and in the given budget. Strict compliance of all the State laws/rules and bye-laws. Law and Order is also now responsibility lying with City Mayors in Pakistan after Devolution of Power and Responsibility Plan. Therefore, city government is all under Mr. Kamal's responsibility, as he shoud create a balananced environment for checks and monitoring of effective service delivery. All the major problems start from City Sewage and Garbage Cleaning in time daily in routine, this is the first problem or issue in all the metropolitan cities in Pakistan.
• Majid C (Pakistan): He is a member of MQM whose leader Altaf Hussain is accused of a huge number of killings in Pakistan and nowadays he is in UK and not comming to Pakistan.
• Ali R (Pakistan): Seriously I dont know much except he very much supports the MQM leader which is disgusting. If he left this thing he ll be the best politician in whole Pakistan. Most of people only dislike him because of MQM.
• Mehdi P (Karachi): Building flyovers where they are not needed at all, just to make VIPs happy. Streets are never clean, roads are rarely swept, manholes open in the city, lot of other problems, such as, cleaning, safety, bribing by police, overall its a lawless region.
• Faral K (Karachi): He seems to loose his tamper quite easily when provoked by journalists
• Jim (Karachi): The Karachi mayor belongs to the political party - MQM.
All the major development projects in Karachi are done where there is a big vote bank for MQM.
Shah Faisal Town is one of the biggest vote bank for MQM and this town has been transformed completely whereas town adjacent to it where the vote bank is weak are left neglected.
• Waheed (Karachi): The mayor is not accounting properly for the millions of rupees his administration receives from the federal government. Such lack of transparency can lead to corruption.
• Arif M (Karachi): Need to improve public transport system.
• Muhammad F (Outside Pakistan): The only negative about him, sometime gets emotional and gets angry very quickly.
• Amir A, Karachi: No focus on urban transportation.
• Hamza U, Karachi: Some of the mayor's u-turns are not working out.
• Syed Z R, outside Pakistan: Mayor Kamal has started too many projects at the same time.
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